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Play the song

Song: see you again by Wiz

Dayas POV
It's been a month since Adam put Red on a suspension. He's coming back today to see what the verdict is. I do wanna say that it's not the same without him here. It's quieter. I can't really think of anything else to say on that. Anyway my relationship with Max is great. We are dating again. It's only been a week though. "Hey babe? Your ex lover is here." Max says peaking his face through my office door. Yeah I'm back. I came back yesterday.

"Okay I'll be out in a minute." I tell him. I'm the only one that knows what Adam is deciding for Red's fate and it's not good. I walk out and everyone is in the conference room. I walk in and sit next to max. At one end is Adam at the other Red. He looks different. He's not himself. Something is wrong.

"Red." Adam let's out a sigh. "I um hate to tell you this but you are fired." I interrupt Adam.

"Wait!" I scream causing everyone to look at me. "Um Adam can I talk to you? Alone." I ask him. We walk out of the conference room and sit down on the couch. He looks at me and nods for me to talk. "Red is not himself. He looks sad. Red is never sad. Let him stay. I still have the option to move back to California." I basically quit.

"If that's what you want I can't stop you. But you are still not stable enough to live by yourself." He tells me.

"I can figure something out just please don't fire Red. He loves this job more than I ever can." I am now crying. "I don't want anyone hurt because of me."

"You're not hurting anyone by the decision I'm making. It was his decision to do this to you and his decision to basically betray max. He did this to himself." Adam is now begging me.

"Adam no, I don't want anyone to not do what they love. He loves this. I forgave him and I hope you do. I'm leaving." I tell him getting up. "Hire him back. For me." I say as I wipe a tear away. I walk towards the door and Adam stops me.

"We'll miss you." He says pulling me into a hug. "Before you leave make sure you stop at my place to say bye to mason and alesa." He lets me go.

"I will." I walk out of the offices and to the bus stop. I buy a ticket to Ross' place. When I get there I immediately go to my monitor and email YouTube. I tell them I want the job there but I'm by myself this time so I need an apartment. They message me back about ten minutes later. Telling me they are glad I took the opportunity. I now am packing up everything and I wait for my plane ticket to be emailed. Twenty minutes later I'm emailed a ticket that leaves in 5 days. That's a Monday. It's Wednesday.

"Daya!" I hear Max scream my name.

"Yes?" I reply in a questioning tone.

"Thank God! I thought." He didn't even finish his sentence. He just embraced me in a hug. "Adam told me. Why?" He asked.

"I just couldn't look at Red not being himself." I look at Max. He looks disappointed.

"Daya he hurt you." He told me.

"So did you." I now have an attitude because he's questioning me. "I forgave you. So what different about Red? He deserves a second chance just like everyone." I'm a little calmer.

"Let me see your legs." Max tells me. I lift my leggings and I haven't cut in a week. "Babe. I'm so proud if you." He tells me. I can the joy in his eyes. I lean in and kiss him. He doesn't hesitant to kiss me back. He lifts me up off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to his room and lays me on his bed. He's now hovering me. He plants little kisses down my jawline and makes contact with my lips. It's a passionate kiss. I tug on his shirt gesturing him to take it off. He just looks at me. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asks me like a gentlemen. Then one thing lead to another. And.....

We had sex.

(Lol I'm so blunt. I don't care. This story is rated mature so it's okay to say these things.)

I'm now laying on his bed cuddled into his chest. "That was great." I say. I can feel his smirk.

"Yeah.... Babe? Don't leave me." He says playing with my hair.

"Max.... I don't want to, but I don't want Red all depressed." I tell him.

"I don't want you depressed."

"Max, I'm fine."

"No babe. You aren't stable enough yet. Don't go. You and Red can both work at the offices. Neither of you need to leave." He begs me.

"Max. I don't know if I'm ready to face him yet."


I just start crying.

"Look at me."

At make contact with his eyes.

"Don't ever leave me. If I'm around Red won't bother you. Just please don't leave." He is now holding me so I won't leave.

"I'll think about it." With that I fall asleep.

Alright. I know where I'm taking the rest of the book. It's got only seven more chapters. No choices this time but tell me how you think I'll end the book. Comment it down below. Also I'm thinking of starting a gaming channel but I don't have wifi or a monitor. :( so I can't. I could possibly start a YouTube channel if I do games I can record on my phone. If I started a gaming channel would you guys sub? Comment that also. Love you guys.

Be my player two? (Mithzanxreader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now