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Now that I'm engaged, I need to shop for a wedding dress. We're getting married in 5 months. That's around October 23 and today is May 25. I need a dress now. I'll text Alesa and Emily if they wanna go today since it's Wednesday and we have a day off since Adam is out of town.

To Em and Alesa:
Hey guys since today is a free day. Do you guys wanna go wedding dress shopping with me?
From Daya.

To Daya:
From Alesa

To Daya:
I would love too!
From Em.

Now to get dressed to leave.

This outfit is fine

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This outfit is fine. Now to leave. I walk out of my room and into the living room to get my purse. Max is watching one punch man. "Hey baby." I say as I plop on max.

"You look nice." He says. " why are you so fancy? And sexy." He winks.

"I'm going dress shopping with Alesa and Em." I tell him.

"Get something with sleeves. It's going to be chilly around the wedding date time. I don't want you to get a cold." He says being protective.

"Okay daddy." I stick my tongue out.

"Daddy? I like the sound of that. You should start calling me that." I blush and get off his lap. I then after slap his arm playfully.

"You're gross but I will." I say with a wink also. He just giggles. "Also can I have the car keys?" I say with a pouty lip.

"Yeah..... They're on my dresser." He turns his attention towards the tv again. I give him a quick peck on the lips and go get the keys. I walk to the door.

"Bye daddy. Love you." I tell him.

"Bye babe. Love you too." He replies. I walk to his car and get in. I proceed to buckle up and turn the car on. I drive to pick up Alesa and I get to her and Adams house. I honk the horn and she runs out.

"Hello! You look great. Ow! Max is one lucky dude." She says.

"Haha right. Now do you know where Em lives?" I ask.

"Yeah, she lives near Barney and Red." She tells me. "Actually I think she's next door to them.

"Oh okay." Off to Em's house.

---time skip to the dress shop---

"Hello how may I help you?" The greeter asks us.

"I'm here to purchase a wedding dress." I tell her.

"Oh okay right this way." She motions towards a seating area. "Rachel will be here to assist you today." She tells us. A few moments later Rachel appears.

"Hello." She says. "Who's the bride-to-be?" I raise my hand. "Well if you'll come with me I'll take you to a dressing room and we'll get you some dresses to try on." So I follow her. We go inside this dressing room and I sit on a seat "I'll be right back." She returns with five dresses. I try almost all of them on and they aren't doing it for me. So now I am trying the last one on. She pulls it over my head and it fits my body great. It's got long sleeves for max and it's so cute and sexy.

Dress pic

This is the one

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This is the one. I walk out to Alesa and Em and immediately Alesa's face is bright with joy. "This is it!" She silently squeals.

"Take a picture!" I tell her with excitement. Now to show Ross. Wait how am I paying? Damn it!

"I'll pay for the dress." Alesa says like she's reading my mind.

"Thanks so much Alesa!" I give her a hug. We pay for the dress and leave. Now back home I go!

Be my player two? (Mithzanxreader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now