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Red's POV
After everything I put her through she is being nice. She is leaving for me to stay happy. I don't deserve this job, but she let me have it. I need to talk to her. I'll call her.

The phone, the phone is ringing. (Wonder pets anyone? I have a niece and nephew)

"Hello?" I hear her voice pierce through the phone.

"Um I wanted to talk to you. In person."

"Um..... What about?" She sounds hesitant.

"Just trust me. I know I haven't given you any reason too but please. It's really important. Just meet me at the chipotle by the office." I tell her with hope in my voice.

"I'm leaving now." She said kinda angry.

I go out of my office and head over to chipotle. I see her car and I see her waiting inside. I walk inside and sit in the booth she's sitting in. "Thanks for coming." I tell her.

"Whatever, what do you want?" She asks not mating to be here.

"Okay, please come back to the offices. It's not the same without you. You're notching back for me, not for Max, not for anyone except you. You deserve this job more than me. Just please. Come back." I'm begging you. I think to myself. I see a confused look on her face.

"Thank you." Is all that comes out. Thank you for what?

"For what?" I ask.

"For helping me make my decision." She tells me. She gets up and hugs me and then leaves. I don't know what I've done but I hope it's good.

Daya's POV
That talk with Red really helped me figure out my decision. I can't wait to tell everyone. They'll support me either way though. I'll tell everyone tomorrow. I drive back to my home and sit on my couch watching sailor moon. It's past four and Max, Ross, nor Tim are home. Time to call. I call max and he immediately picks up.

"Hey babe. You okay?" He asks. He's in his car so I know he's on his way home.

"I'm fine. Just checking in to see where you."

"I'm pulling in right now."

"Okay see you bit." I hang the phone up.

KP jumps up on the couch and sits on my lap. I leisurely pet her. Few moments later Ross, Tim, and my baby. Ross walks over gets KP and goes into his room. Max sits next to me then proceeds to lay his head in my lap. "Babe, Red called me today and we went to lunch." I tell him.

"Why?" Max looks at me from my lap.

"He talked to me about me leaving. That I should stay and stuff like that." I tell him.

"Oh, so what are doing?" He ask me.

"You'll find out tomorrow." I tell him kissing his lips. He just looks at me.

"Let me see your legs." He looks at me with worry I his eyes. I go to the bathroom and he follows. I pull my leggings down and he smiles for me not cutting. He kisses my cheek and I remember the previous night of out little escapade. I walk to the kitchen and go through my fridge. I grab a piece of pizza (I love cold pizza. Who else?) and eat it. I walk to my room and get on my Mac and edit some of my videos. Moments later Ross walks in.

"Hey sis! You doing okay?" He asks walking in sitting on my bed.

"I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Yes I am. How are you?"

"Great. I miss Lucy though." He says in a sad tone.

"She's coming back though right?" I ask him. He just shrugs.

"Don't leave." He tells me.

"I'm not." I just look at him. He smiles. "Don't tell anyone else okay?"

"Got it." He just looks at me. "Do you remember what I would call myself when I'd tickle you?"

"El Senor tickle" he just starts smiling.

"Ah well El Senor tickle is back!" He says in a Spanish accent.

"Ross stop!" He inches closer. He then leaps over to me and starts tickling me. "Hahahaha! R-Ross s-s-stop it!" I start smacking him. He stops right after I hit him. Finally. I put on some pjs max got me last week.


And I jump in bed

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And I jump in bed. I look at a text that got a just got its from Max.

To Daya:
          I just want you to know that I love you so much. I never stopped loving you. No matter what your decision is tomorrow I want you to know that I support you. Love you baby night!
        From Max.

To Max:
          Love you baby. And thank you. Night.
        From Daya.

That was a great way to end the day.

Be my player two? (Mithzanxreader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now