Could It Be True( KatyPerry fanfiction)

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Hi! I'm Alison. I live with two people. My "mom" and my "dad". I was adopted when I was just a little baby. So technically they are my parents, just not my biological parents. I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live in San Francisco, California. I like to play sports, volleyball, softball, you name it. I also am a big fan of the SF teams here. Like the giants baseball team and the 49ers. So I guess you can say I'm a very active girl, just not a tomboy. Cause yes I can be a girl, and look good with makeup and all tha t jazz. Just not as often as basketball shorts, and sweats. Just a typical girl if you'd think of it like that. I've met many celebrities with my dad working for a couple of record companies. Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Lady GaGa, Miley Cyrus, last but certainly not least Katy Perry. Who is my absolute favorite! Her songs speak to me. It's unbelievable how much I can appreciate ones musical career. Usually girls my age it's "one direction" but nope. Mines Katy. She's down to earth, cute, funny, I could go on and on. I remember that day that I met her


I could barely contain my excitement. 2 hours before the show and we were waiting in line for the m&g. "She's late" I thought to myself. Even though there was no set time for the m&g. It was technically said as "before the show only" so she wasn't technically late, my impatient mind was wandering. I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan in the world, compared to the others that share the line with me. So with that being said, I am not "that" big of a fan, enough to be a KatyCat I think, but not a major one. All these people seem chill though. Lots of security which, I see all the time. I've been to lots of meet and greets, but this one seems a lot different than the other ones, I have no clue why though. For some reason I'm nervous too! I never ever get nervous. I notice my mom is gone. I think she went to the restroom. Causing me to squeeze out of the line just to make sure.

"I totally just lost my spot in line to find my mom" I said quickly after realizing what I just did.

The bathroom was farther away than I thought. I see tons of crew members. Costumes, lights, instruments, extra instruments, and yes even more instruments. But suddenly I hear something being spoken out of ones walkie talkie.

"Ms. Perry is a wandering, coming down the hall right now"

Suddenly I hear high heal clicks

*click click click*

Next thing I feel is my heart jump. Could I really see my idol before everyone else?! I'm freaking out. Calm down Alison. Calm down keep it cool. I close my eyes to put me in a spot where I can't see anything. My hearing also goes away. So I can hear faint speaking. But mostly my fast beating heart

I hear soft murmurs around me. They seem freakishly close too. I suddenly open my eyes and there she is.

Katy Perry right in my face. She moves her lips, but I can't hear a sound she says. So I stop focusing on calming down, and focus on her face.

"Are you lost sweetie?" She says to me

"I-I'm looking for the b-bathroom" I say with more stutters than I've ever done in my life

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