Chapter 20

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*Katys POV*

We are about ready to pull into my driveway. I missed this place. My private sanctuary, away from it all. I breathe in and out. I got a text from Tamra a while ago saying our bags are inside and the kitchen has been restocked a few days ago. Thank God for Tamra. 

The driver parks in front of the door, I smile at him and thank him for the ride. I hear Alison slip in a 'thank you' and the driver gets out to open her door. I forgot Alison was here with me. She's been so quiet this car ride. I feel bad for not talking to her on our way home from the airport but what was I supposed to say to her. I feel so bad for the kid. I hope our conversation doesn't turn sour. I wan't this to work out. I need this to work out. 

I unlock the door with my keys and push it open. I step in and see our bags to the left of the entrance. I walk fully in and Alison closes the door behind us. I turn around and look at her. She looks at me and quickly looks to the floor. 

"So do you want some clothes to change into?"

"Yeah something like comfy and's kinda cold in here." I take notice of the temperature and nod my head. "I think I'd like a shower too." She says quickly.

"Okay yeah a shower sounds nice. Do you want to go pick out something from my closet and then shower in the guest bath?" 


"I'll put the kettle on and shower in my room. Bet I'll beat you back." I play. 

"Yeah you probably will." She says heading up the stairs.

"Thanks Katy."

Why is she thanking me? I go into the kitchen and pull the kettle out of the cupboards. I fill it with water and put it on the stove. I turn the knob to low, I don't want to burn the house down. I grab two mugs and and lay out a spread of instant drinks, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. I hear the water running upstairs and take that as a cue she has left my room. I jog up the stairs and open my bedroom door. Ah, my bed. How I have missed you. It's been tightly made and my room has been tidied up. Thank God for Tamra. I appreciate her much when she makes sure these things are done for me when I get back from travelling. I pull out some fresh clothes for me and start to undress. I turn the shower on and hop in, not waiting for the cold water to turn warm. 

My shower quickly end and I grab the towel on the towel rack. I go to my bed and start to dry off. I start putting the clothes on and instantly start feeling comfy cozy. I hear to small knocks on my door.


"Can I come in?" she says quietly.

"Of course."

She slowly peaks through the door. I see her small silhouette creep in and I break into a smile. Her hair is still wet, face is freshly clean, and she looks tired. She looks at my freshly made bed and smiles. She walks over and belly flops into the white bed spread. She lets out a soft sigh, and lays there for a few moments. She looks up at me and a small smile creeps on her face. I look at her and smile back. She looks so much like me right now. I can't believe I let her go all that time ago. I regret it deeply. I wonder how she feels. 

"So." I say getting her attention back to me. She looks up at me, obviously waiting for me to finish. "I got the kettle running down stairs."

She gets off my bed and starts walking to the door. I look at my bed and see her body imprinted into the sheets that were crisp just minutes before. Any other person who messed up my bed would be in a world of trouble. Her on the other hand will get a pass for it every time.

*Alisons POV*

I make my way to Katy's bedroom door and I look back. Katy is smiling at her bed. I turn around quickly and make my way outside into the hallway. I start my way to the stairs and hear Katy following suit behind me. I love her house. Paintings and pictures fill up the walls, fancy furniture giving life to each room. Each room different from one another. I lightly jog down the stairs to hear the kettle whistling to us to tell us it's done doing what it's made to do. I see Katy pulled out a spread of hot beverages. I carefully look at each one trying to decide what I'd like. I notice Katy opening the fridge that is filled with food. She must have had someone restock it for her before she got back. Everyone always looking out for her. She is loved in so many ways. I see her pick up the milk and I grab the piping hot kettle and pour water in each of the mugs. I open a tea wrapper for Katy. She drinks her tea with milk and sugar. I don't understand how she drinks it like that, but to each their own. I hand the mug to her and she thanks me with her eyes. I open a hot chocolate package and dump its contents into my mug. I grab the kettle once again and fill it up. I look up at Katy who is digging in her pantry. Grabbing some snacks, chips, granola bars, candy, hostess cupcakes, and last but not least mini marshmallows. She throws the bag of fluffy goodness towards me and I sprinkle some into my hot cocoa. She knows just how I like it. I watch her grab her mug and the snacks from the pantry and take it into the living room. It's like watching a juggling act, making sure she doesn't drop anything I follow her into the living room with my drink and sit on the sofa next to Katy. 

How do I start this. Are we starting this? Does she want me to ask her stuff now? Am I ready to? i quickly look around the room in need of a distraction. I find the picture of me and her in a small cafe in San Francisco. My hometown. I miss it so much. There awaits another hard conversation. My parents. I haven't let them know I'm back in the country yet. I will give it a few days, I need to get things sorted with Katy. 

"So, are you in there?" Katy says to me. 


"I've been saying your name." She looks at me with a worried expression. Am I hurting her? 

"Oh sorry I'm just thinking?" 

"Oh, yeah...are you okay?" 

"I thi- I-" Katy looks at me, stammering on my own words.

"I don't know." 

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