Chapter 11

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Katy's POV

I am glad Alison has forgiven me. I am also glad she has decided to stay a while longer, and come on vacation with me. We are about ready to board the plane. Although things are good between us. She has been not her usual self. She's been distant, and not that talkative. You know why Katy, you ignored her, and left her alone on her special day. It's normal for her to act like this, you would have done the same thing. I thought I could make it fully up to her by taking her with me, on vacation. I was going to ask her all along, but I figured I needed to say something before she tried to skip town in the middle of the night. Surprisingly she said yes. I am glad she did, I am happy I get some personal time with her, I can make up for the mistake I have made. In the end I did feel really bad about ditching her. I can't imagine how she felt. Too be honest, I don't wanna feel how she felt. She probably felt broken, and unwanted. I figured sugary soda, and candy wouldn't cut it. 

Alison's POV

They are still prepping the plane, and I can't wait to board, and sleep. Katy asked me to come on vacation, but she did not tell me where we are headed. By "we" I mean Katys whole crew. Like legit all of them. I think what's going to happen on this trip is major partying. Celebrating how well the tour has been, how well Katy and everyone has done. Will I be outcasted out? All of Katys close tour people are here. Will I be ditched again?'This wait to get on the plane is totally annoying right now. The crew doesn't seem to mind though. They all look like they are enjoying themselves right now. Yet, here I am standing with my luggage, by myself. I look around and see all the social groups with their groupies. The stage setup, the managers, the dancers and backup singers, and Katy somewhat manages to bounce back and forth between them all. I stand by myself, towards the back of everyone studying what's happening around me. I start to think of how loserish I look. If I were to go converse with some people would I even be liked? Wanted? I make my decision to just stay to myself, and wait for the plane to be ready. I look down and notice one of my shoes were untied. I bend down slowly and quickly pick up my shoelaces. I make sure I dont make a scene, so no one will notice me. I look up and see everyone is still carrying on with their conversations. I look back down to my shoe and tie it. I tend to tie my shoes rather slowly, because I get real nit picky on if the loops are symmetrical or not. Kinda weird, but everyone has their weird twitch. I straighten out my jeans quickly and fully stand back up. I look around and everyone is gone. I notice people on the stairs to board the plane. Great, they wouldve left me on the runway. I slowly make my way towards the stairs, and quickly make my way up. Once I walked up the stairs, and through the plane doors I see that everyone had made their way to their seats. I look around seeing that all the seats are taken. Everyone has a partner, even Katy, who I was planning on sitting next to. I walk down between the eisles, and see one lonely seat. I am serious, one seat left. A seat that is secluded from the others and slightly hidden. I sit down and set my bags, by my feet. I lean my head against the wall of the plane and pull out my phone. Scrolling through my apps aimlessly, I hear the pilot over the loud speaker.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking, we will be arriving in Tokyo Japan, in about 11 and a half hours. Please fasten your seatbelts. Thank you for flying today. Enjoy your flight" 

Eleven hours. OMG. Japan, thats interesting. Ive never been there before and I am defintely happy were going. I am glad Katy invited me on this trip. I would've been on my way home, instead i'm on a eleven and a half hour flight to Tokyo, Japan, sitting by myself. For eleven hours. Is this even like real life? I look around to see everyones gazes drift towards their electronic devices. I lean myself up so I can try and see where Katy is. I can barely peak my head over the seat because of this seatbelt. I slightly wiggle my hips to see if I can move any more. Being restricted back, I know I wont be able to gaze over. I look down at my lap belt. Ignoring what the pilot said I glide my hands down to the cool metal and try to flick it off.

"I highly encourage you to not do that." 

I look up and see Katy in her famous Adidas trackies. I smile as I remove my my hands from my lap. I stare at her wondering where the heck she came from. I also notice how she is standing right in the middle of the isle. I quickly question her back.

"Why arent you buckled in yourself Ms. Perry?'

"My jet, my rules" she fires back quickly.

I just nod my head slowly. She's the boss, she does what she wants.

"Why are you back her by yourself?" 

"Cause there was no where else to sit" 

"Yeah, I was saving a seat for you, then someone came and sat next to me."

"Mhm, I saw." Just then a man with some water walked by.

"Hello Katy, nice to see you again!" he hands her two waters and marches on

"Here Alison" she hands me the water and I tightly grip it. I twist the cap around the palm of my hand in attempt to open it. I get the cap off and try to bring the cool liquid to my lips. Suddenly we hit small turbulence and next thing I know, there is water all down my body. I think about Katy, I look over and see her tightly hugging the seat across the isle. I giggle slightly causing her to open her eyes and scan me. 

"This is not funny! I couldve died" she states

"Should've listened to the captain Kay, he said to fasten your seatbelt" I spit. Pulling out a napkin to wipe the water off of me. 

"Shush up you little menace, I am taking you to Tokyo. Are you excited to go?" She sings like a little kid. 

"Of course I am happy to go, you will just need to show me where are the hot spots are"

"Sure thing, I will"

"Cooool. I should be getting some sleep then." I say

"Yeah I probably should too. Come sit with me please." She grabs my bags, leaving me with no choice to not go. I laugh as I unclick my belt, and slowly stand up. I follow Katy to her seat and I unexpectedly see it unoccupied. She puts my stuff under the seat and sits down. I sit down and buckle my seat belt. Thankfully Katy had given me the window seat. I slowly push the shade back and look out into the clouds.

"Beautiful huh?" she says

"Yeah, I love it" 

A yawn escapes Katy's mouth and she leans her head on my shoulder. I slowly move my shoulder out of the way and hold her head with my hand. I grab my teddy out of my bag and put it behind my neck. I put Katy's head back on my shoulder and close my eyes. 

"Goodnight Alison."

"Night Kay" 

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