Age is just a number, Right?

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This world I had gotten myself into was something I thought I didn’t want…. How wrong could I be….

Chapter one

"Izzy!" called Lucy my best friend of 15 years, "Your boyfriend is on the telly", I was just getting in from work and shutting the door. I giggled to myself and walked to the lounge to find Lucy sat on the sofa watching MTV news..

Myself and Lucy have been friends since secondary school, both 27 and working full time in jobs we both loved.. Myself a midwife and Lucy was an accountant..

She had her own key to my house so would usually just let herself in and eat my food

I probably should say that I am a hard core one direction fan, and have a slight crush on Harry Styles.. Well who doesn’t..

I walked over and sat next to Lucy, and fixed my eyes onto my telly. the boys were being interviewed for their new movie, and well Harry just took my breathe away as usual..

Lucy was looking at me and smirking, I slapped her arm and replied to that “what is so funny? And don’t look at me like that”,

Lucy just replied “well come on iz, ur obsessed with a 19 year old!, it’s so hilarious, you actually love him”

My reply was the usual return

“oh Luc, I mean come on, he is smart talented, Successful and hot as hell he maybe 19, but damn I would… And besides age is just a number right?”

“Yeh ok iz, keep living in your dream land, your never going to meet him and tell him all this stuff, but I love you and it keeps me amused”

I just rolled my eyes at her and fixated on the screen.. There he was, this 19 year old that made my insides knot and my heart flutter. this I told myself, is not normal for a 27 year old woman to be feeling over a teenager.

Once me and Luc has finished watching MTV news, we decided, to eat. we ordered a chinese takeaway as I could not be bothered to cook after a long shift..

I work at the local hospital on the outskirts of London, as a newly qualified miswife.

I had always wanted to live in London, just something about the hustle and bustle of the place, I had grown up in a small village in the Wiltshire country side.. All fields and not much happening.. So London was the total opposite for me. I had a house in a lovely part of London, Camden town.. I loved the whole feel of the place.

My house was a modest 2 bedrooms with a small garden that frankly looked like a jungle as I was not green fingered at all.

So our Chinese arrived and we sat down on the sofa and ate. We talked the usual crap about our day and the plans for the weekend..

“Iz?” Lucy looked at me

“Yes Luc” I replied

“All the girls are coming up at the weekend to visit and are planning a night out. Stating in town then heading into central London to hit the nightlife.. Your not busy this weekend are you”?” Lucy asked

“No” I replied, “just the usual, watching telly and then probably falling asleep infront of it”, I laughed

“Yeh your quite boring nowadays” Lucy replied with a smirk on her face

“you cheeky bitch” I replied while poking her in the ribs..

“So your up for coming out then, yeh” she responded

“Yea, fuck it” I replied “hey you never know I could meet the boys whilst drunk and make them fall in love with me, ha” I jested

“Oh for fuck sakes Iz, your delusional if you think they would love you in your drunken state, I mean remember our New Year’s Eve party last year?, you ran around in nothing other than your underware, whilst singing what makes you beautiful at the top of your lungs!' Lucy laughing 'it makes it worse that you sung one of their songs, I mean any other song it woudnt have been as funny'

'Oh my god!, yeh that was embarrassing for me as much as it was for you Luc, hey, at least I earned 50 quid for doing it” I laughed in response.

Our friends dared me to do it, they take advantage of the fact that when I drink I become some sort of hilarious daredevil and loose all my hang ups. I was bullied in school, nothing major, just girls being teenage girls, and picking at the fact that I wasn’t the 'right body shape'. I was a horse rider and fit, but I had a huge bum, and was curvy, so that I think has something to do with it.. maybe how no judged myself.

Of course as we sat chatting my phone was buzzing with all the twitter notifications i hadn’t caught up with, my twitter was like my own secret life… I tweeted the boys all the time, obviously with no repose..

the life of a one direction fan i thought to myself, just to get noticed, I am 27 and worried about tweeting 5 guys from one direction, oh god I am done for.

Lucy just laughed at me, because this is the thing, my addiction with Twitter is actually beyond any type logical therapy I thought to myself making me smile.

We decided to watch a movie, Lucy picked, and yes she chose well, dirty dancing.. We both love the end.. Especially when Johnnie says 'nobody puts baby in the corner'myself and lucy always squeal too loud at that part… The whole feeling of a woman, falling for a man that she shouldnt, and having that one man make her feel like she is perfect in everyway, and never asking her to change, and helping her to overcome her own fears and hangups, and that man coming back for her, falling in love with her and showing everyone, that anyone, from any background can fall in love..

This is what I had hoped would happen for me one day, old school friends were now getting married and having children, but here I was, aged 27, living and working in London, living my dream and I was happy. I mean,  Id had a few relationships, but the guys were just immature, irresponsiblenand wanted something different from me. I guess I wanted my career more and to see if I could make something of my life and make it work for me and no one else.

Agreeing to go out that weekend was a way of being able to blow off steam and enjoy a rare weekend off… This is why I worked so hard, to enjoy my free time and party while I have nothing tying me down. I had an idea of where we maybe would go that night.

Little did I know that my weekend was about to change forever and there was nothing I could do to stop it, and maybe I didn’t want it too….

Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now