Chapter 22

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Well let me tell you about Poppy.

She is one of my oldest friends from home.. We were like sisters at one point.

We kinda lost contact after she and I went to seperate universities.. She went into PR and event planning, and myself to midwifery.

She didn't find out about the bullying till it all came out and I found it was happening to her also. we kind of supported each other. We want to college together and then to uni.

She is stunning, long blonde hair, deadly straight down to her middle.

She looked stunning tonight.. Black skinny jeans, black top and gold wedges.. Her hair was deadly straight..

"So Iz, fill me in on the gossip, I want everything" she asked touching up her make up in the mirror

"Well I met Harry on a night out in London. That's where I'm based now, well actually Camden. We got texting and chatting and he asked me to dinner.. And it kind of went from there.. He is the most amazing man I've ever met pops.. For someone so young he has his head on his shoulders.. Knows what he wants.. Handles his job so well.. I feel amazing when I'm with him, he makes me feel amazing.. He knows about what happened in school" I told her

"Yeh, and what did he say?" she asked

"He was really saddened my it. shocked too.. But he said it kind of settles a lot of things about me. my insecurities and why I am so determined now" I told her

"You and me both babes. took a lot of courage to tell him that iz"

"I know, in glad I did though" I said smiling

"Right, do I look alright ?" she asked looking at me

"Stunning pops, they'll love you" I told her

"Oh my god I'm so nervous" she admitted

"They are just people Pops, follow my lead and no foul language out of that dustbin mouth if yours ha" I said pointing

"Lips are sealed" she said zipping her mouth

As we walked out towards the table Harry's eyes found mine and he smiled the most amazing smile

"Thought you'd got lost babe" Harry said standing and pulling out my chair

"Sorry babe, bumped into a friend, guys this is Poppy, Pops this is everyone, and that over there is Niall l" I said pointing to him and smiling at him

"H...Hi guys, Niall" poppy smiled towards Niall

"Alright poppy, I'm Niall" he said sanding up and gesturing to the chair next to him

"Take the seat next to me if ya want" Niall asked

Poppy looked at me and internally screamed

"Sure, thank you" poppy replied nervously.

As we all sat there enjoying our evening and everyone getting to know poppy, I felt Harry's hand on my thigh and squeezing it every now and then.

I would look at him and mouth "I'm fine"

He had the biggest smile all evening..

"Right then who's up for a club then?" Niall asked slightly tipsy

"Hell yes" I said a little loud and tipsy myself

"Right to the club" Niall said standing

"Poppy wanna join us?" Niall asked

"Yeh sure if that's alright with you"

"Would love you too" Niall said kindly

"Right let's go dancing!" I stood up shaking my behind

Harry did slap my bum while I squealed and laughed.

We headed out the back exit to avoid the paparrazi.

This night was turning out to be a night I wouldn't forget


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Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now