Chapter 26.

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As we traveled in the car, pops and Niall where laughing and joking. Suddenly Niall leant in and kissed pops. Harry nudged me and tilted his head towards them.

"Jesus, they at least could get a room" I whispered laughing,
"Nothing like we haven't done iz" Harry replied smirking.

I had the sudden urge to totally cock block Niall and pops make out sesh. I suddenly decided to shout at them,

"Bloody hell guys get a room" laughing whilst saying it
Poppy's head shout up from Niall and that dustbin mouth responded...

"Fuck off Martin, go hump Harry" she said laughing.

With this the car stopped at where Niall was staying. Poppy jumped across to me, peaked me on the cheek smiled and said
"Don't wait up for me iz"
She winked and as the door opened Niall pulled her out and the door slammed.

Now finally it was just me and Harry. God I wanted him so much, I slid my hand up his thigh and just as I got to the top, he grabbed my hand,

"Don't do that otherwise I will have to have you right here, on this back seat, and we have company" smirking at me and nodding towards the driver.

I just smiled in defeat at Harry. I remember looking at him sat there looking the way he does. All in black suit with his heart shaped shirt showing, his hair quite disheveled from the evening. My god he was breathtaking. I found myself totally taken in by him.

As we approached cals I had a sudden rush of excitement. We have so much sexual chemistry, that I knew the next few hours where going to be an exciting one.

We entered cals and I heard another woman's voice coming from the lounge area, it was an American accent. Cals wife was away on business so it wasn't her. As we walked in, Harry stopped in his steps and his eyes darted towards the fireplace. He dropped my hand.

"Kendal?" Harry asked

This woman spun around.

"Hello Harry" she replied with a cocky smile on her face.

"I'd heard you where back in town, thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to grab some dinner one evening and catch up on old times?" She said winking at him and then eyeing me up and down in total disgust.

"Kendal this isn't a good time as you can see, you can't just turn up like this, uninvited" Harry told her with a tone I'd not heard before.

"Well, thought you'd like too, as you know, you always said to me that when your in town we will hook up, that was only 5 months ago" she looked at me and shook her head.

"Harry, what's going on?, why is she here?," I asked with sadness in my eyes.

"Iz, love it's nothing" he said holding my cheek

"How do I not believe you Harry" I was holding in the anger and tears forming in my eyes.

"I told you it's nothing iz, she means nothing to me" he held out his hand.
"That's not what you told me 5 months ago Harry" Kendal responded.
"Shut up Kendal" Harry shouted at her

"Harry you need to let go of me and I need to leave, now" I said pushing him away from me.

" I can't believe you've done this to me Harry, what the fuck where you thinking. Why did you invite me here and tell me your in love with me when you know have that booty call waiting for you" I asked pointing to Kendall and probably not wanting to hear the answer.

"I am not a booty call, he loves me. And I want him.. Looks like you loose darling. Looks like he has down graded to me" she said pointing to me.

"Fuck you. At least I know how to treat people with respect, your just a jumped up barbie doll that has nothing better to do than to flaunt the 'assets' she thinks she has to get attention from men, when in actual fact or you are is a lonely sour faced, dumb fuck that wouldn't know a hard days work if it jumped up and slapped you on that Botox filled face" and with that I walked out.

"IZZY, IZZY, don't go" I heard Harry calling me.

I ran up the stairs to the bedroom and started to pack my stuff. I need to go, I need to leave before I do something I regret. Harry can go fuck himself.

As I ran down the stairs I heard Harry shouting something. I didn't stay to hear anything. I couldn't face Harry so I wrote a quick note.

please don't contact me. I am leaving and do not follow me. I had fun over the last 4 months, but, I don't need you and this lie you where living.

And with that I called for a taxi and left L.A and the man I was madly in love with in it. How on earth and I going to recover from this. I don't think I will, but I'm sure too forget.
And I am back baby!!!! Hahahaha. Been wayyyyy to long. Remember comment vote etc etc mwah x

Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now