Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

3 months later...

Harry and myself had been regularly seeing eachother over the last 3 months..

We hadn't made what was happening public knowledge, I have to admit, I did enjoy the sneaking around. The girls obviously knew what was going on, and the rest of the band knew, phoebe, Lola and lucy were constantly asking me the details.. I would just respond with "well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you"..

He was heading off on tour soon, so we made time for eachother before that....

When I was working hard, long shifts. I found myself always smiling, always happy, always thinking about him.

I was sat having a coffee at work and my phone buzzed next to me

Good afternoon Isabel. Thinking about you. :), Will we see eachother tonight?, I need to talk to you

Harry xx.

Shit, I felt sick to stomach, what was so important, I needed to calm down and text him back

Hello Styles. Of course we are, and ok, should I be worried?

Isabel xxx

My phone buzzed pretty quickly on reaponse..

Isabel don't be worried, :) i will see you later

Harry xx.

I looked at this message over and over again. Was I just being paranoid?, oh Izzy SNAP OUT OF IT!

That message buzzed around my head all day.. What was it?, why shouldn't I be worried.

I arrived home at 6, took a quick shower and got dressed in my comfys.

My phone buzzed

On my way over now, shouldn't be too long, can't wait to see you Isabel

Harry xx.

The way he called me Isabel just made me shiver, made my heart flutter

It was 7.15 by the time he arrived, through my garden at the back, incase he was followed..

He knocked the door and came in, I was dancing to kiss you, and singing a bit too loud, as I got to Harry's let me kiss you, I turned around and saw him.

He was leaning against my kitchen door frame, arms folded across his chest, smiling and shaking his head at me, oh my god he looked amazing.

his rolling stones tshirt, black skinny jeans, and white converse.. His hair was just poking out from his beanie..

He walked over to me, grabbed my waist, pulled me into him, took my chin in his fingers and said

"Let me kiss you" and he leant in and kissed me, it was soft and passionate, full of affection

My legs trembled beneath me, and I let out a "Hi"

As we pulled out of the kiss, I looked at him, his eyes were just looking at mine, so passionate, so full of wanting, his face against mine felt like I was lost in his world and it was just us

"Well hello there miss Martin" he whispered to me

"Hello there styles, sorry about te shameful dancing and signing" I replied putting my head on his chest and blushing

"well, it's cute and I find it hilarious, you were were rocking that one babe" he said as he kissed the top of my head

"Yeh dance like no one is watching right? and I thought no one was watching, not what someone of my age should be doing" I replied stepping away from him looking all red and embarrassed

"Izzy, it's cute, don't be embarrassed, I like it, and stop with the age thing, it means nothing to me" he said reassuring me.

I walked over to my kitchen table, sat down and poured some wine... And it came out

"Harry, what is it you want to tell me?" I asked, I felt the tremble in my own words. I felt my smile drop

He walked over to the table and sat down in front of me with his hands on mine,

"I told you not to worry izzy, it's just I have to go to L.A for a week or so. For work stuff" he told me rubbing his hand over mine

"Oh I see, well it comes with the job. I've always wanted to go to L.A seems a nice place." I replied without even thinking about what i just said

And taking a sip of wine..

"Well I was hoping you would like L.A because I wanted you to come with me. Stay with me" Harry responded to me

"You what?" Is all I could say half choking on my sip of wine "you want me to come to L.A?, stay with you?... Ummm is that a wise idea harry?" i said raising my eyebrows

"I like being with you izzy, I want to take you away. I have some friends there. They have a private estate, we don't have to hide and sneak about, even though I do enjoy that, i want to be able to walk about with you, hold your hand, kiss you" he said smiling at me..

"Well..... I...... Am not sure I can get the time off work Harry, it's pretty busy at the moment.. but  I could always say I have a family emergency and need time out" I replied

"Great, we leave Friday morning, 6am"" he said smiling

"6am Harry?!! Well no I am not going then, that's too early for me, unkucky' I said shaking my head and walking past hooding my hands up him and nudging him.

he grabbed me and spun me around to face him, he looked into my eyes,

'your coming whether you like it it not, and not just to LA,'  he whispered to me.

He grabbed me. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He ran his hand down and over my breasts, and over my stomach andhe then walked forwards and slammed me against the wall, he ripped my trousers off, and then my panties, he was being so rough, but it made me tremble even more, I ran my hand down his shirt and pulled it off, buttons flying everywhere, then unbuttoned his trousers  and grabbed his hard penis and placed it in between my legs and he thrust into making me scream out.....

he thrust so hard I couldn't breathe

'har.... I said pulling at his hair... 'im gonna......... cum... I said through breathes

'yes Isabel, yes..... coming...... now... he said holding his forehead against mine

'yes... now ' I whispered as my body trembled and shook from the amazing orgasm that shot through me like lightening

We both trembled and were breathing heavy....

'WOw... that...... was...' is all i could say

'isabel... I..... wow' he said holding me in his body

he kissed my nose and i slipped down his legs, almost falling from my numb legs.

I turned to look at him, stood there, glistening, hot and so beautiful

I grinned and bit my bottom lip whilst looking in his bright green eyes...

I knew then that this trip was going to be amazing and unforgettable in more ways than I could imagine.......


soooo. I have decided to not drag it out in chapters now, just gonna get right into it haha. hope its OK xx

Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now