Chapter 6

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So today is Friday eveing, its been 2 days since i contacted Harry. we have txt eachother alot, we havee sort of brokenn the ice through txt. Evrytime i get a message from him, i feel on fire. How can he do that just through a message. He has been really busy the last 2 days due to rehearsals, so Saturday is going to be a chance for him to relax.

I have Lucy over to try and help me decide what to wear,  shit that crept up quick. 

'how about this one?, its nice' Lucy said showing me one of the 1000 tops I have, and decided not to wear.

'nice?, I am going for nice now ha?, I responded snapping a little,

'Izzy,' Lucy said grabbing me by the arms, 'Its gonna be fine, you look stunning in anything, we will come up with something, so breathe ' she said rubbing my arms

I mean you should see my room right now, clothes, shoes and handbags everywhere, it looks likes a tornado has come through.

'yeh OK then lucy, if you say so' I replied blowing my fringe out of my face.

'ah ha!' Lucy shouted, 'this is it!, oh my god, this is the outfit!' she said laying some clothes out on the bed and jumping a little.

'let me see then' I said shoving her over, 'wow' I replied as I looked at what she had put out,

'its simple but stunning iz, you will look amazing' Lucy said judging me

'hmm you think?' I said scrunching up my face,

'try it on now and let me see' she gestured too me

'alrighty then' I said smiling

I headed off into my bathroom and got changed, I looked in the mirror and checked it out, not to bad. It was subtle, I hope Harry likes it.

the out fit is simple.. A white shiffon top, my red skinny Levi jeans and my black stiletto shoes. I will decide on jewlleryy tomorrow.

As I walked out Lucy looked at me smiling and shaking her head.

'Iz, wow, u look stunning, he will be gawping at you.' she told me smiling

'oh god I feel sick with nerves luc, and I still have 24 hours yet' I said shaking my head.

'Iz, your gonna be fine, he will love you, just be yourself, and nothing more, your beautiful inside and out and he needs to see that' she replied softening her eyes at me

'luc I would be lost without you, right then I think we need to eat and watch a movie' I suggested

' what a plan mate, u get into your comfys and I shall order the food' Lucy said jumping off the bed.

usual order, chinese .

Saturday Morning:

well that was the shortest nights sleep ever, 2 hours!. well shit, that's all I need, bags under my eyes on a date with Harry. Tea bags and cucumbers are the plan for today.

Lucy stayed last night, so glad she did, in a way she kept me from freaking out. I walked into my kitchen, Lucy was cooking breakfast, I couldn't  stomach it, too nervous. she just winked and smiled at me, she knew.

I heard my phone beep in the lounge, I heasde over and looked, it was harry

Good morning Isabel. Hope yoiu slept well?. I hope we are still on for dinner this evening?. Looking forward to it :)

Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now