chapter 3

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As I steadied myself, I felt like my tounge had been ripped out,

'um, yes I am fine thanks, just a bit to much alcohol, you make a good wall, so thanks for that ' I replied smiling.

'well, I have never been told that, but thank you, thought you could do with the help ' Harry responded while laughing.

'Your welcome' I replied looking slightly confused as I wasn't sure why I was thanking him for saying I looked drunk,

Here I was talking to Harry Styles, and I told him he made a good wall. Could the ground just swallow me up now please. This all felt like some sort of dream.

'Are you sure your alright, you don't look well at all' harry asked shaking his head slightly and his eyes softening,

'yeh I am fine, I just need to go home I think' I replied.

'Did you want me to help you back to your friends?' harry asked

' No, I should be alright, but thankyou' I replied smiling

As I started to walk away, I felt a hand on my arm,

' can I at least take your name?' he asked

'izzy, Isabel Martin' I replied

'Im Harry, nice to meet you Isabel ' Said harry, holding out his hand

'Nice to meet you too Harry' I said as I shook his hand.

He took my hand and pulled me in for a hug, this took me a bit by surprise.

'can I buy you another drink' asked Harry

'No I think I need to go home, and sleep and recover' I said smiling.

Harry looked at me so puzzled by what I had said, he leant his head over and smiled that smile that melted so many hearts, it did have a devilish look to it, it was almost like he didn't understand why I didn't want to have a drink with him. I can't explain how I felt at that moment, I felt like I wanted to stay and chat more to him, but something was stopping me. Here I was standing and talking to Harry Styles and I had turned him down. I had replayed this moment in my head so many times. I though I knew how I would react to him and meeting him I knew that I didn't want to meet Harry like this, drunk, not knowing if this was real.

'ok, no worries, thats cool' said Harry, nodding in response

'Nice to meet you Harry, have fun' I said starting to walk away

'Yeh thanks' replied Harry

I walked back to where the girls were standing while shaking my head in disbeliefe at what hadjust happened. maybe I was that drunk, that I had imagined that whole conversation, it felt real, so maybe i wasn't as drunk as I thought. something inside me was happening, I didn't know what it was, but I knew I needed more, I needed to find out more. I needed to see him again some how..... This isn't what I thought would happen when I eventually met him, I knew I would be just another fan. I mean I know I was fascinated by this 19 year old man, I know i was a fan, but this was something on another level.... for my own sanity, I needed to see him again.... but how?.........

Harry POV

Making our way to the broad walk rooms it was the usual thing, cameras and paprazzi following us like dogs on heat, fans wantimg pictures. i didnt mind it, because of them i am living my dream, but sometimes i just want to be normal. myself. liam and niall and myself arrived at the bar, and were escorted inside through the hoards of people.

we walked in and it was buzzing, not to many people, but it was nice because no one was really reacting to us being here, which felt good. I made my way to the bar and ordered a beer. I was mingling with some people by the main doors, when i saw her.

She was stumbling out if the ladies loos, and actually hit some poor woman with the door. She didn't look too well, maybe too much alcohol. I did giggle to myself.

I turned and spoke to niall, and I suddenly felt a hand on my chest, out of nowhere.

I looked down to see the same woman, steading herself on me. She was looking a bit worse for ware, but she looked stunning. Long hair, straight and wavy coloured a deep purple, an off the shoulder top, skinny sparkly trousers that excuinated the length, She was beautiful. as I stood there watching her, her face was travelling up me, maybe it was clicking that i wasn't a wall that she thought she was steadimg herself on. as she looked at me she started to squint at me and screw her face up, like she was trying to focus on me and figure me out.

I asked if she was alright, and she seemed to suddenly snap back into reality, maybe she had realised who i was. i waited for the usual reaction.... But she didnt react like i thought, she just stared at me, she had beautiful dark brown eyes, they were so dark and mysterious, they left me intrigued, they locked on me... I was mesmorized.. I felt something I had never felt before. a spark was lit inside me. this was strange..

She responded to my question with a slight bit of humour, which I have to admit I liked. Apparently I make a good wall... I did ask her if she wanted a drink, or for me to help her back to her friends, but she said she was fine... its strange, I hadn't had this reaction before.

I mean usually when I meet a woman they jump at the chance to have a drink with me, maybe they think we will end up in bed together, that's the problem, the media have painted me out to be some sort of man whore, when in actual fact, I am a man in a very fortunate and lucky position, that is put with every woman I am seen talking too... it gets annoying, as I am just a normal guy wanting to find my feet and place in this world and to find that special person who I can Turn too, share my heart with and loves me for being harry, not harry from one direction.

I liked the fact that she hadn't screamed in my face and not accepted my offer of a drink. Maybe she didn't know who I was... or maybe she was a very normal woman, who had standards, that didn't want me just for being harry styles from one direction, the apparent ladies man.

she looked older than 20, she looked mid twenties, this I knew could be a good thing..

I grabbed her arm as walked away to ask her name. Izzy, Isabel Martin. beautiful name I thought to myself, normal.

she thanked me for being a good wall, and walked away. I was so intrigued by her. i knew that somehow I needed to see her again, but how?, and does she believe I am actually this person the media have made me out to be. I wanted to find out who she was. I wanted to find out everything about her, she had me hooked, and i wanted more, but how could I get her.....

Age is just a number, right? (a harry styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now