Chapter Two: Breakfast With a Ghost

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 THE yellow rays of sun streamed through the slit of the thin, rose pink curtains, shining into her half-open brown orbs, making them almost a honey color. Her face was pressed into the plush pillows with floral patterned pillowcases as she squinted at the window in a stupor. The lavender scented duvet was cuddled to her silken lips, and as she laid in the soft bed, it hadn't hit her that she wasn't being stuck in her sides by loose springs or shivering because she forgot to pay the heating bill while her mother was in the hospital.

She was warm. Comfortable.

Her eyes threatened to close and return to slumber. Her sudden state of confusion forced her brows to crease, making her sit up on her knees. Loose locks of her hair fell into waves along her back, while the remainder was left clinging to her hair tie.

She tried to remember where she was by studying the blush walls and excessively pink and white interior. Not that she minded. The room was beautiful to her, for she enjoyed the colors pink and white very much. Her gaze fell from the white painted vanity, to the salmon roses in the decorative vase until her eyes scanned a shadowed part of the room. Gleaming against the shade was a pair of brown eyes like her own.

She gasped and jumped back in the bed, her palms falling flat against the mattress as she crawled back a few inches.

"Master Cross told me to wait for you to wake to feed you since you hadn't eaten yesterday. You dozed off like a lamb and never woke for dinner. I assume you're well rested now, aren't you?" Ophelia lifted her hand to her head, her rapid heartbeat slowing once she recognized Tobias.

"I am. Thank you for allowing me to sleep." She whispered, half paying attention to him, and the other half looking around the floors for her suitcase.

Her mother. She needed to call her mother.

How could she sleep for an entire day?! What if her mother called and she missed the call? Oh God, her mother was probably worried sick and that wasn't any good for her heart.

Ophelia finally found her luggage near the nightstand, causing her to lean out of bed and reach for the luggage to toss out a few clothes items before she retrieved her phone.

"I need to call my mother." She murmured, checking her cell phone for any missed calls. There were none.

"Having second thoughts already?" Ophelia shook her head.

"I just need to make sure she is alright."

What if something happened to her mother? Ophelia tightened her grip around the phone and dialed the number to the hospital where her mother was staying before pressing the speaker to her ear.

The dial tone made her gnaw her lower lip, peeling the skin as she waited. A nurse answered.

"Saint Medrick's hospital, how may I assist you today?" Ophelia swallowed the lump forming her throat.

"My mother, Helena White, is she awake?" As she listened to the nurse murmur to someone else, Ophelia's grip on the phone tightened, her knuckles becoming ashen.

"Mrs. White is awake, would you like me to connect you to her?" Ophelia sighed with relief, loosening the death grip she had on her cell.

"Yes, please. Thank you." Shortly after, a fragile voice that could soothe a frightened child made Ophelia smile.

"Ophelia, I wish you would have left the school's number." She hushed into the phone. Ophelia wiped a tear that had slipped her half-asleep eyes and gave her mother a small giggle, elated to hear her voice.

"I'm sorry I worried you, mom. I was just so tired when I arrived, I had gone straight to my room after the tour and drifted off. I'll ask them for the number as soon as I can and give it to you."

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