Chapter Twenty-Five: King Letum

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KENYA, Africa was their next destination to partially overtake. Upon arriving, they were met by a large palace that glistened against the night's stars. Ivory gates surrounded the dome-shaped fortress. Guards stood in front of the gates with guns held against their shoulders stiffly. They were here to meet a wealthy vampire by the name of Abeni who controlled the area of Kenya. She and Jon would come up with a compromise, splitting profits and land if all went as planned.

Their driver began speaking, expressing that Abeni poorly led vampires, allowing them to run rampant and feed off citizens including children. Ophelia tensed hearing the grotesque news. Tobias then spoke to Jon.

"If you take over this section, we would be able to provide protection and order while gaining currency as well."

"I can't do anything without Letum's order. He's king." Jon sneered.

Tobias glanced into the rearview mirror and simpered.

"But you're going to be king soon."

Ophelia leaned against Jon and toyed with the buttons on his shirt.

"What makes you so sure?" Tobias' gaze then shifted to Ophelia.

"I just have a feeling."

Kiroh threw the car door open, as did Yami, Tobias, and Jon, Ophelia following. Everyone shook the hand of their driver, Ophelia especially giving him a sharp shake.

"Those children will be safe. I'll make sure of it." The driver thanked her unsurely not understanding what a young girl could possibly do. Even if he doubted her, she made this promise to herself.

Vampires were strong creatures. They needn't feed on helpless children. She wouldn't allow them to experience the horrors she and Marissa did.

She would make sure Jon would get that crown.

On her back, Ophelia carried her Warrior's blade, prepared for an attack at any moment.

They strode up to the guards, who straightened, a defensive hiss given to Jon who remained nonchalant.

"I'm Jon Cross, I am here to meet with Abeni." The two guards glanced at each other, then glared at them before stepping aside.

When they all moved in, Ophelia was greeted with the sight of marvelous gold and ivory casing the walls to the ceiling.

A crowd of vampires was gathered around a large circle that dipped in the center of the floor surrounded by wooden fencing. Further over was a small layer of steps that led up to a throne.

On that throne sat a lovely dressed vampire. Jewelry pierced her septum, and each nostril held gold hoops. She had beautiful ebony pigment that glittered with gilt flakes, and sleek shoulder-length hair. She exuded royalty when she opened her mouth and her bottom row of teeth, as well as her two fangs, were plated with gold. "Jon you've kept me waiting for too long." Her English was covered in the thickness of her Swahili accent. "The deal we discussed is off. You are no longer gaining any part of the imports or exports granted here in Kenya."

She was amused, resting her chin against her palm.

Jon was not amused, completely stoic. He had gone to speak and immediately was cut off when Abeni glanced at Ophelia with glowing chartreuse orbs.

"You've brought me a snack? How generous. I will gladly still take her because she smells divine."

Jon then grinned up at Abeni.

"She's not here on the market. She is my Warrior." Abeni gave a look of disbelief, his statement becoming comedic once she and the rest of the surrounding crowd roared with laughter.

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