Chapter Eighteen: The Big Apple

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 TWO weeks of intense training.

Both hand to hand combat, as well as practice with numerous firearms and tactical weaponry. She had advanced in her skills in a short amount of time, her muscles becoming more toned and her senses becoming sharper.

She trained a few times with Jon, the rest of the time spent with Yami as she learned various fighting techniques, refreshing the memories that had been stolen from her. Her body remembered everything it had learned training with her father. He prepared her to fight for her life, and although she didn't remember a great amount of him, still she was thankful for what he had done.

"It will only be for a month. I'm going on a scholarship to New York. A special program Jon has signed me up for earlier in the year. I get to travel abroad and will continue my education as I travel." She told Marissa, who was offended that she hadn't been notified sooner about Ophelia's plans, but it was even short notice for Ophelia. She had no idea she was leaving so early until two weeks ago.

"Don't forget about me. Promise you'll call me when you arrive?"

"No one will snatch my memory again. I promise." Ophelia joked. "I will do my best to call you every night before bed."

Marissa was saddened to know her best friend would be leaving for two months. Nevertheless, she didn't want her to miss out on such an opportunity.

"If you do forget, I will happily wake you up with a phone call." Laughter was exchanged between the two as school finished and many lockers began to slam shut. Marissa rested a hand on Ophelia's shoulder, her expression becoming worried filled. "Be careful, Pheli." Marissa dropped her hand to her side and her lip curled into some grin. "And have fun with all those city boys."

Ophelia smiled at the thoughts of the earlier events of her day as she packed the rest of her bags for her month-long trip to New York. Nerves ate at her stomach, the anxious thoughts of getting on a plane outweighing the possibility of being slaughtered by a vampire on the trip. She never traveled by plane and she believed she would rather risk her life fighting than to get on a plane.

"Ready?" Ophelia glanced over her shoulder as she zipped up her luggage.

"I am." She straightened from her crouched position and her eyes met with Jon. "Are we leaving now?"

Jon dipped his head. "In a moment. I need to speak with Everly before we depart."

He watched her dust off her knees, adjusting the plain black dress with a white neckline to accompany his black attire. They had not planned to wear the same color, rather it was a coincidence.

"Alright. Take your time." Jon stepped from her doorway, returning to the foyer where Everly patiently waited despite his shift being over.

"Everly. As you know, today I will be leaving for New York for a month's time. You will of course still be receiving a paycheck during the entirety of my leave. All I ask you to come every morning as you would, just to check on the mansion. I will leave you a set of keys and you will report to me if anything at all is out of place or odd. Maids will be here to clean in my absence as my servants are coming with me, so just be watchful of them."

The middle-aged man silently agreed to his duties, for just like Jon, he was a man of few words. Jon knew he could count on him to keep a watchful eye on his mansion.

Jon turned his heel and found Ophelia in her room, chatting on the phone now.

"Yes mother, don't you remember? I told you I recently got a scholarship from a school program to visit New York and a few other places throughout the months."

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