Chapter Twenty-Eight: End of Reign

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HER face rested against the chilled glass of the passenger's side window, the cold no longer affecting her skin. It felt a neutral temperature against her wan flesh. The only thing she would be able to feel would be heat, a luxury that was snatched from her the moment she became one of them.

They traveled on a dirt road, trees whizzing by in the navy-black night. The castle was in a heavily wooded area, hidden from sight.

Her thoughts flickered back to the events prior to their car drive.

"Ouch," Ophelia grumbled when Yami ripped the brush through her knotted hair.

All of them had to change clothing before they got on the plane, for they knew in their questionably battered, they would not be allowed to board. They were forced to buy new items of clothes all for a trip in which they would stain their hands in blood yet again.

Speaking of blood, the entire plane trip was unnerving for Ophelia. She could smell each scent of blood she came across and it was rather hard to contain herself with her new appetite, nonetheless, she miraculously managed. Managed meaning Jon kept his hand locked around her wrist the entire trip to keep her in her seat, similar to a parent holding onto an excited child in a candy shop.

Once they had gotten off the plane and moved into the airport, they were greeted by an escort. Ophelia was beginning to feel like airports were becoming her new home. She's been in them so often, she might as well live in the terminals.

They didn't get to witness the beautiful architect of England, the castle in which the king and queen of the vampire race residing in the outskirts, away from human society. This was a relief for Ophelia. She couldn't bear to be around humans for much longer if she had stayed. So many of them smelled scrumptious. Like a variety of tasteful cuisines in a restaurant.

"So we're just going to go in there and kill them? It is that simple?" Jon loaded one of his six guns, warning her there would be a lot of guards in the castle.

"Yes. When we get past the guards, we will leave the remainder of them to Kiroh, Yami, and Tobias, while you and I go and slay Letum and Irae. It will be more of a challenge than I am leading you to believe due to their strengths. On the lighter side of things, the plan itself is quite simple."

Ophelia wanted to do so much more to Letum for all that he has done to her, but she agreed with Jon that killing him where he stood was the best option. He has gotten away too many times. They could not risk that tonight.

If he was dead, everyone would be at peace. The world would be a far better place without his existence.

The car approached the large castle. It was as dark as the landscape around it. Its exterior was dusky, not a hint of white or cream to accommodate. It gave off an eerie vibe, the large size of the castle making it just that more intimidating. So large she believed it was closer than it appeared. In reality, it was quite the hike to the doors that waited for their arrival.

"Stop here," Jon ordered the driver, who pulled off to the side.

Ophelia had gone to get out of the car with the rest of the group, gripping the handle of the car door and pulling it back.

A pinging sound made Ophelia crease her brows. She frowned when she looked at her hand and found the handle had been completely ripped off, the door of the van caving inwardly.

She turned to Jon who sighed heavily and went to open the door on her side. The metal door fell off the hinges and clattered to the dirt road. Ophelia gave an apologetic smile to the driver in the rearview mirror, who said not one word in protest.

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