Chapter Four: Punishing Misdeeds

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 HER wails could be heard even from outside the mansion, the agonizing cries piercing his ears and reverberating in his throat. The sharpness of her nails ripped into his flesh. His neck, his face, his arm all received the wrath of her fingernails, clawing and digging into him as she tried to pry from him.

He desired to pin her hands down, so she'd stop squirming, but doing that would demolish his morals. It was enough he decided to go through with this. He wasn't going to force her down against her will.

She tore her vocal cords apart, the body aching sensation that forced her muscles to become extremely stiff, made her body tremble. Her nails drew blood, yet she never once asked him to stop, because she knew he would, and then he'd return her home. She'd have to get through the agony.

The screams felt like forever, but they only lasted minutes before her muscles loosened and left behind a tired ache. The burning that filled her entirety became warm and numbing. Her body was eased back against the cool silk that covered his bed, his being moving to tower over her. Drowsiness began to make her eyelids revert to the heaviness she had felt earlier in the chapel. This time, instead of being left with an icy feeling that frosted over her insides, a strong heat formed in the pit of her stomach, radiating through the veins that once were burning with scorching fire. This heat wasn't one that shocked her body in excruciating pain. It was soothing.

If she wasn't mistaken she'd almost say the sensation was blissful. The tears that stained the sides of her face dried, leaving behind light streaks. She laid beneath him, her clumped lashes blinking softly as she listened to the primal slurps that shed from him and vibrated against her throat. The deep noise made her stomach curl tighter and her muscles tense; a sensation different from before. Her body craved something else.

She unconsciously lifted her leg to brush against his ribcage and pull his shirt up along with it.

Jon's eyes fluttered open when he felt the sensation of warm skin grazing his own and brought one of his hands to pry her leg away. As his fingers, had gone to shift her leg, his fingers grazed over the sensitive flesh and she shivered with delight, a subtle moan leaving her plush lips.

Ophelia's cheeks reddened having involuntary responded to his touch, and that was when Ophelia felt the sting of his fangs leaving her vein. His calloused hand then wrapped around her leg, resting it back against the bed. He kissed her neck, a painless sizzle sealing his mark on her skin. Ophelia couldn't find the energy to move anywhere so she stared at the ceiling. She listened to his weight shift the bed, his shoes tapping the floor and the door slamming shut. He left her in complete darkness to be alone in befuddlement.


He wiped his mouth a final time to be sure all traces of blood were gone from his mouth as he made his way down the hall and back into the center room near the entrance of the mansion. His shoes tapped against the tiled floor as he approached the stairs, eyeing the line of five servants he had come to a meeting. One of which would suffer his wrath for revealing his master's whereabouts to the King and Queen.

While he disciplined the traitor, he decided to leave his Blood Bride to recover from her dream-like state of mind. He knew she wasn't aware enough to return to her room from the way her blank eyes fell upon the ceiling and the way they glazed over confirmed such. Hopefully, she wouldn't move from his bedroom.

Jon stepped down the last marble stair, his eyes scanning his five servants. Tobias, Zane, Yami, Kiroh, and Everly. They listened closely over the clicks of his dress shoes, tensing in his presence. Zane especially. If a vampire could sweat, he'd be sweating bullets. Jon narrowed his eyes at the back of his skull as he made his way around to face them. He stopped moving, taking his eyes off Zane to study the rest of them before he began to speak.

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