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A soft breeze rustled Ophelia's honey brown curls, she and Marissa sitting down beside the graves of Ophelia's mother and father.

Jon had done what Ophelia had asked, taking her parents from their awful lots and placing them here in the beautiful garden of their castle, under a cherry blossom tree.

Weeks had passed since Ophelia had become Queen. Under her ruling, she had already made some drastic changes. Across the continents, no humans would be harmed unwillingly any longer and if they were, there would be dire consequences.

In Cambodia, Ophelia and Jon had sent people to fix up the town and made a new law that required all war activity to take place in the fields and far from the city where humans can be harmed.

And lastly, they recently set out an official law. Children were completely off limits for feeding, any vampire caught would result in the death of that vampire or vampires. The blood of children could not be sold either; it could not be purposed to vampires.

"It's beautiful out tonight, isn't it?" Marissa's new fangs shone against the blue hue of the moonlight and Ophelia smiled, turning away and gazing at the stars.

It took some pleading with Jon and a few sexual favors, but she eventually convinced Jon to turn her. Marissa and Ophelia agreed they would be together forever, and now that was possible.

They had created a new meaning to Best Friends Forever.

Marissa was in a lot of pain during the change, claiming it was worth it after the fact. It was the least she could do for Ophelia after all that she has done for her.

"It is." Ophelia thought back to the night she became queen. She ordered Letum and Irae's bodies to be burned to ash to assure her that they could never hurt another soul, and now Ophelia was reassured. She was the one who watched the bodies burn and disintegrate into nothing, taking all her awful memories with him to the grave. "It's really beautiful."

"Your Highness." They turned at the sound of Tobias' gentle voice. "Master Cross wants you to come indoors now." Ophelia dipped her head and thanked Tobias, turning back to her parents' graves. They sat side by side, Ophelia relieved that she could at least give them this much for all they've done for her.

"I have to go now. I'll be back tomorrow night." She smiled, a gust of wind dusting pink petals from the tree over their grave stones.

"See you around, Mister and Misses White." Marissa too wished them a goodnight as they linked arms and strode back into the castle.

Jon redecorated the interior knowing that the two girls had a horrific experience here. It looked completely different, the walls dressed in baby blue and white, similar to the mansion he lived in.

Ophelia stepped inside and saw Yami and Kiroh seated on the couch, sipping blood from champagne glasses. Marissa, just like Ophelia had quite the appetite. When she saw the red liquid, she lunged for the couch, leaving Ophelia's grasp.

Yami and Kiroh welcomed her to join, bringing Ophelia to smile.

"He is waiting for you upstairs." Ophelia's gaze flickered from the lovely scene to Tobias and she smiled, getting on her toes and pecking his cheek.

He simpered at her actions, Ophelia returning the gesture as she made her way up the spiral staircase to Jon's study.

She lifted her hand to knock, only for her actions to be interjected by the sound of his voice.

"Come in." Ophelia opened the mahogany door and found him. Just standing at the window like he had when they first met.

Still handsome, his cuffs rolled up, his facial features stern and concentrated.

"You need something?" Jon was looking at the moon, momentarily giving her his attention.

"The amount of blood draining related murders here in England has gone down drastically. Having guards patrol was a wonderful idea. It keeps the vampires in check."

Ophelia smiled. "That's great to hear." He was happy. She could tell he was and everything she had gone through was worth it just to see him this elated.

He was a great King. An admirable one and a selfless one.

He truly did care about his people.

"Yes, it is." Jon allowed his eyes to wander over her before he cleared his throat. He beckoned her over with a wave of his finger.

She moved closer to him, passed his desk to stand at his side beside the window.

"I have much to thank you for, Ophelia. Words alone could not express that." Ophelia waved him off.

"If it hadn't been for you, I would have never been who I am now." Jon reached out and caressed her cheek, dipping his head down to have their lips meet briefly.

"There is no one I'd rather share my throne with." Ophelia ran her fingers through his dark locks.

"I can say the same for you, Jon. You've made such a lovely King." Jon brushed his lips against her jaw, the scraping of his fangs to her pale flesh caused her to shiver with delight. Her grip tightened around his hair.

"And you, my Ophelia," He leveled his lips to her throat where her vein once used to pulsate. "made a lovely Queen." A sharp gasp of pleasure made her being tense against him as he delved his fangs into her throat.

Ophelia allowed her eyes to roll back, a smile curling her lips as he depended on him to keep her firm on her feet.

She couldn't have asked for anything more than this.

He tightened his grasp around her waist, their chests crushed together.

An eternity in his arms is an eternity she would adore living.

In the arms of her hero. The one who gave her a chance. Who helped set her demons to rest.

To Jon, it was the exact opposite.

By the end of the game filled with many pawns, his knight in shining armor had become his Queen, and he would forever bow his head to her.

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