Chapter Twenty-Two: A Hollow Shell

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OPHELIA moaned, her eyes rolling back, and her fingers clutching his shirt. Her other hand was pinned to the carpet, papers scattered along the floor from the work he was doing. She too was helping him sort out the papers until he brusquely sunk his fangs into her throat.

"You could have given me some warning." She bit through gritted teeth, Jon responding with a hazy grunt.

Five days passed, Jon and Ophelia doing nothing at all aside from sleeping and eating.

The piercing rings of Jon's cell phone filled the room, bringing the sting in her neck to disappear. Ophelia took a breath of relief as Jon crawled off her being. He grabbed his phone that was resting on the coffee table.

"Hello?" She could hear faint chatter, the voice of a woman. "Alright, thank you for notifying me." And then he hung up the phone.

"I have been summoned in for the meeting as expected. You, of course, will be brought along, but firstly, since we have spare time before the conference, we will go inspect the building Flint had directed us to." Ophelia wiped her throat, leaving behind a rusted streak along her fair skin. "So go on and get dressed in a formal manner."

Ophelia did as she was asked while Jon contacted Tobias to join.

She moved to the bedroom where her clothes were neatly folded in her bag, choosing a white, long sleeved button down, paired with a maroon tie, and a navy-blue skirt. She slipped into a pair of dark red heels, throwing on a dark blue blazer, and that's when her phone buzzed.

Ophelia glanced at it as she grabbed her makeup case.


How are you holding up, Pheli? I wish I could be there with you :( xoxo

Ophelia looked away and resumed applying a light layer of makeup that consisted of mascara and red lipstick.

Ophelia had called Marissa the night after her mother died. She spoke in a very indifferent tone, explaining to Marissa that was the reason she hadn't called sooner. Marissa did her best to be consoling, but Ophelia didn't want any coddling. Besides, she should have expected it. It was bound to happen, right?

They have been texting regularly, Marissa occasionally checking in and asking if Ophelia needed anything.

Ophelia appreciated the kindness of her only friend, she really did.

Once she was done fixing up her hair, she left her phone behind and found Jon adjusting his red tie and navy jacket.

He gave her a once over and dipped his head in approval.

Yes, Ophelia did dress according to the way Jon had dressed this time. She wanted to match her husband.

"Return this to your thigh." He held out the dagger he had given her on the first day of school along with the accompanying strap. Ophelia reached out to grasp it, only Jon recoiled his hand. "This is for enemies only, understand?" He muttered, hinting at the fact she had once tried to kill him with it.

Ophelia nodded, and he gave it to her to attach to her upper leg, the sleek blade comforting against her warm skin as she adjusted her skirt over it.

"Master Cross? Are you ready?" Tobias poked his head into the apartment.

"Not yet. You can come in and sit." Tobias took the invitation and strode inside, seating himself on the couch. "Rhi is sure to be there at the meeting this evening." Jon murmured, fixing the buttons on his shirt. "I want to get a hold of Rhi to interrogate her."

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