Chapter 12 ~ Xiumin 1/2

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Okay the text I wrote in here are actual text I had with a boy which fucked up my whole life and I'm forever torn apart.. But I hope you enjoy.

Context || Sad , Depressing (TRIGGER) , some fluff..?
You have been Xiumin's best friend, since birth! You knew he liked older women, but you never thought that Xiumin would have sex with her! You loved him secretly and you just couldn't believe he would do this so much emotions were going through you head. You picked up your phone, and saw you had a message from Xiumin.
It said:
(Y/n) meet me at the park 7 tonight?

You replied:
I'm busy I have to help Chen with somethings..

Xiumin said:
Im outside of your house, I see you your not doing anything. Come down and talk to me c'mon (y/n)

You went downstairs to see him standing there. "Hey beautiful" he said. You rolled your eyes and Xiumin came up and tried to hug you but you shoved him away. And said "don't touch me. You have done alot of touching lately haven't you?" "What are you talking about?" Xiumin shot a confused look at you. You were pissed so you shouted out loud "YOU HAD SEX WITH A 31 YEAR OLD JERK OFF." Xiumin looked down at the ground, and back at you. "How did you find out?" he said sadly. "Well how could I not? Its all over the news? How could you?" I said tears threatening to come out. " (y-y/n) , we were flirting for awhile over twitter and Facebook, we had a crush on each other, and we just decided to do it one day. Im so sorry if I... " I cut him off. " Minseok don't call me...," I started to back away from him slowly towards the front door. " or text me, or ever talk to me again. I am not your best friend anymore! Go have fun with your stupid slut okay!!" I yelled. I ran back into the house , and closed my blinds. I teared up a little bit, because Xiumin was your life. You layed in bed for the rest of the day.
The next day I received multiple texts from Xiumin and calls, but I didn't reply to anythingi stared at my wall blankly. I was sick to my stomach, and sick with Xiumin. He was nothing to you now the whole room felt like it was disappearing piece by piece de depression and anxiety was terrible. Xiumin kept blowing up my facebook and twitter with notifications. You read one message on facebook and it said:
(Y/n), I know your angry, but you have to talk to me at least some point we are best friends. I don't believe what I did was wrong because when you love someone, you have sex with them. Please talk to me?

I replied:
Yeah I am angry, because you are a dirty bastard and no we aren't best friends, because a best friend would see how you really feel about them, and I am dropping off all of the shit you ever gave me. I won't be here for you anymore.

I got all of the pictures of me and Xiumin, the birthday presents he has given me two years ago, the crap he left at my house, and the random crap he has given me and packed it all in a box I stared at the box wiping my tear holding myself. I got up and carried the box to the car and got in. I drove to Xiumin's house in my car, and saw that Minseok was outside with all of the EXO boys. I pulled up, and grabbed the box. You threw it at the ground  and said I stumbled on my words letting the tears fall down my cheeks. All of them looked at me shocked." You better fucking hold on to those memories because we certainly aren't going to make anymore." I yelled seeing a tear stream down Xiumin's face, but I could care less. He already put me through so much pain.

The rest of Exo just sat there with sadden looks on their faces except for Luhan ( yes I know he's not in EXO just keep reading) of course. As I was hopping in my car, Luhan hopped in the passenger seat. "Luhan what are you doing? Get out!" "I am going on a drive with you, then we are going to get coffee. We need to talk right now."He stated
" Luhan, I am not in the mood."i rubbed my face
"I don't care what you say we are still going I am Xiumin's best friend, and so are you, we are both friends and we need to talk about Xiumin. And I am not flirting with you." He shot you a glare.
"Fine.." I started my car driving off.
It took us about 15 minutes to get to the cafe. I ordered us coffee and sat down. "Why did you want to talk Luhan? I am sure you found out about harry's love affair. Yeah " I said." I like him Luhan. I have liked him for years, and when I saw this it broke me. I just hate him now Luhan, and I have to move on. Xiumin Minseok has put me through so much shit throughout the years-" I got cut off by Luhan saying "Its time to move on. (Y/n) , I understand you. Its hard to know that my best mate had sex with a 31 year old woman. I just decided to let it go. The one thing I didn't know was that, you liked him. It never came to my mind. You can't just give up on your whole friendship, you and Xiumin have been inseparable for years. I can't even understand it myself." You started getting teary eye, but quickly wiped your tears away when Luhan, looked back up at you. " I stayed up with him all night, you know? After you yelled at him in your front yard, he kept saying to me: I lost my closes friend Luhan. She was the best thing that happened to me and I gave her up for that one night stand. I am so stupid.He kept on repeating to me, and I felt like I needed to say something to him that would make him feel better, but the only thing that could was you. And you had already left him." I cut him off putting my cup on the table.
" It's not that simple," I said to Luhan. "He made a choice, between me and her and he chose her. What's done is done. I am leaving him, and he can be happy with his 31 year old girlfriend"
" (y/n), just please talk to him please." Luhan stood up, "its getting late I should drive you back to your flat." I said quietly We walked out of the shop and hopped back in the car and it was a silent but awkward ride back home.

As you pulled in the driveway Xiuminwas standing in the garage and looked like he was boxing or something. I got out of the car to give Luhan a hug, and to thank him but before I were able to get back in the drivers seat you heard your name being called it was Minseok. Luhan gave you a smile and ran back into the house to the other lads. I turned around to see Xiumin already standing in front of you. "What do you want..?"  you said in a stern voice. "Can we please talk please.." He looked at the ground. "I don't feel like talking to you. You are nothing to me now." I let a tear fall. "You're still something to me (y/n) . You will always be. 15 years ago, little Minseok was to scared to walk into his pre-school classroom. Until, 3 year old (y/n) came over and grabbed his hand and said that's ok I am scared to we can walk in together. After, that Xiumin was excited to go to school because he got to see (y/n) . No matter, if you don't want to continue this friendship there will always will be this little fire about our friendship that we will have to come back to eventually." You let that fire burn out Xiumin. "You did. I liked you alot, now your nothing to me except that minor that slept with an older women. I won't come back to you. You let me go, and I thought that we would hold on forever. You showed your true colors.. Please stay away from me.." I said hopping in your car and drove off.

Me and Xiumin haven't talked for 2 years. At least every time i saw him i always hid mhface. You were just chilling at home until you heard a knock at the door. You ran over and opened the door and saw it was Tao. You have known Tao, since Xiumin introduced you to the boys., and I loved him like he was your own older brother. We both hugged and then sat down in the living room. "For starters how are you (y/n) ? I am fine Tao. But to tell you the truth, if this conversation is for me to start talking to Xiumin again, I just won't do it." "That's one thing I have always loved about you (y/n)
. Always, knowing what to expect. You remind me of how I was when I was little. But I couldn't blame you for not wanting to talk to Minseok. I have been really upset, with him for the past months. I just can't believe that my hyung would do something like this, but I guess that it is part of them discovering the world. I know that he hurt you, Luhan shared quite alot to me. But I just hate to see yours and Xiumin's friendship ruined over this. Personally, I cannot stand this women myself, but I just want you to promise me this." "Okay.." you said. Tao continued, "I want you to at least someday find it in you heart to forgive Xiumin and move on. Your a brilliant girl Xiumin, and I hate to see Xiumin lose somebody as wonderful as you." I looked down at my hands " I promise "
I said. You hugged Tao goodbye. I went upstairs looking at my empty room. There was to many memories in this room that I made with Xiumin when he came over to help me get over my bullying which has never stopped.

I walked to my computer and went on my Facebook. The one person I didn't want to see was the 31 year old Xiumin slept with post on my Facebook.

"To bad Xiumin picked me over you huh? Haha To bad you he would never fall for you c'mon like really I know you and Minseok stopped talking but seriously you're trying to hard. Your thighs are touching how can you be this ugly? You need to back off and need to stay away from my boyfriend okay #StopUglyAss(y/n)"
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"Eww is that really her? Wtf she looks like a raccoon"
"Why isn't #StopUglyAss(Y/n) trending on Instagram??"
"She reminds me of a porn star;)))"
"Is she the one who's trying to break up XiuIzzy? Wtf she better go die!!"
"She needs to gang herself wtf!!"


Tears were forming in my eyes I wiped my nose and knew that Harry moved on. I sat on my bed staring at the wall. What was I thinking about forgiving him. I grabbed my computer and threw it against the wall covering my mouth. I wrapped my arms around me breathing deeply. I licked my lips looking at my phone I grabbed my phone shutting it off. I stood up and walked towards my water taking a gulp with the tears burning my cheeks.
I dropped the cup on the floor and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs going to my backyard it was raining..


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