Chapter 1- Kai's Imagine!

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Warning : If you're uncomfortable reading smut please don't read.

I would have never thought I would have been chosen to interview Kai Kim Jongin. I was standing in this elevator my body trembling from being nervous my palms sweaty , my throat dry , I was a little light headed from the fact that I was so worried that I would make myself look like a fool. I gripped onto my note pad and pen these thoughts wouldn't stop running through my mind it was tiring me out. What would he think of me ? What happens if I mess up on asking a question? What would happen?

I flinched as the elevator dinged I was completely out of my thoughts. Walking out I walked towards a black marble desk with two females at the desk. Shuffling over I gave a small fake cough they both dropped their conversation looking at me "Hello I'm [y/n] i have a interview with Kai Kim-Jongin" the lady in front of the computer smiled saying "You're the 10 o'clock appointment , yes follow me Miss. Leon " She got up from her desk walking away I followed behind. My stomach was in knots on how afraid I am.

I walked towards a large white and gray marble door with a silver handle I took a deep breath muttering "Thank you" I waited until the lady left I opened the door to only see a Tall figure at their desk chair looking out the window. I closed the door behind me swallowing roughly I walked over to his desk whispering my voice croaking a bit "Mr. Jongin ?" He turned around. His eyes were like steel his jawline was sharp and his hair was parted. His suit fit his body perfectly his tie was black making his eyes look sexier his lips were plumped. "Hello  you must be my 10 o'clock"  his voice was husky I bowed a little bit nodding I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

He stood up quickly walking towards some alcohol in a glass bottle and poured some in a small glass cup he turned around leaning against the table with the alcohol. "yes sir , I'm here to ask you some questions" I faced him he was serious licking the alcohol on his lips putting it back on the tray. "Of course but first let me get to know you," he paused walking to the chair next to my chair which was fairly close he crossed his legs his hands on his lap. I was shaking a bit. I looked at my note pad and pen " before I tell you anything" I looked at his eyes he locked his lips slowly biting it and winked. I was flabbergasted I looked down pushing the strains of hair out of the way to the back of my ear.

"I'm [y/n] I'm a college student for Language Arts.. I'm 20 years old and I just want to get my finals done and take away the stress" I glanced at him he was still serious not moving a muscle. Few seconds later the creases of his mouth formed into a smirk feeling the heat rise in my cheeks he was so perfect. Two strains of hair fell perfectly upon his forehead his eyes darting at mine his suit looked tight but fitted so right passing his muscular features my eyes wander hungrily down to his chest his suit jacket teased me with his tight-fitting white shirt. His chuckle was deep it mocked my head for a good few minutes until I notice he looking me up and down. I heard many stories of him and how he teases women in the more desirable ways , to be honest with you I hope it was all true.

I blushed harder looking back at my note pad tapping my pen " Well miss [Y/n] I believe that you gained my trust," he gave a devilish grin sitting up. He came closer to me touching my [C/H] "You have the most beautiful eyes" he laid his soft warm hands onto my cheek. I could feel myself blushing deeply "t-thank yo-ou" his eyes lit up a bit more but with lust. He came close to my ear his lips touching "I know you want me right now [Y/n] " I tilted my head a little bit shutting my eyes he gave a small quiet laugh looking me up and down.

His chuckle made me shiver all around his hand fell to my lap rubbing it cautiously laying his lips upon my neck. He stood up never breaking his kisses from my neck and whispered "Do you like what you see?" He growled against my exposed skin of my neck. I struggled against the shivers it sent down my back, but I couldn't contain the moan that slipped through my lips. " I really do like what I'm hearing right now" Kai pulled up me along with him his hand was now in the small of my back pulling the lower half of my body against his. I could feel his excitement. I allowed one of my hands to roam his chest and arms a grin appeared on his face that showed me enjoyment.

Kai slowly took off his suit jacket rolling up his sleeves the Muscle of his arms and chest rippled under his shirt and I knew what was happening my wish was going to come true right now and then."Sit on the table [Y/n]" there were not questions asked. I knew better to take orders I moved swiftly to his desk sliding onto the table. Before I even had time to blink he was in front of me still rubbing my thighs "Take off your shirt" I slowly undid each button shrugging the shirt onto the table behind me.

Kai placed himself between my thighs pulling up my skirt and professionally removed my bra off himself. The door wasn't locked the room had large windows that anyone could look into but at the moment I didn't really care. I sat up trying to undo his shirt buttons but soon enough he slapped my hands way growling but pulling my waist closer "That's not how things are going to work," he stopped rubbing my side and spoke again "Take it off." It wasn't a statement it was a demand.

I slide down my shirt almost off the table but he stopped me from falling off. I was left inside my black and red lace panties his eyes was roaming my body with pleasure rolling his lips together eyeing up and down. The desire of wanting to rip his clothes off was so overwhelming his hands explored my body not leaving me untouched but also sending my the goosebumps around my skin. Kai's fingers settled on my breasts as he pushed himself against me his lips crashed against mine in a need of urgency it was mostly like business-like, the way his tongue roamed effectively.

Abruptly, he was gone again. This time he instructed " Off," while he went to his dark brown cupboard. I knew what exactly what was going to happen this very moment. I got off the table just before he turned around he came back to my lips rubbing my sides "Are you a Virgin ?" He showed me a rifled packet and some thin rope that looked was used to hold flip-charts to a broad of some sort. My cheeks were heated looking down with my arms softly on Kai's chest I nodded yes.

He used one of his hands to bring my face to his and mumbled "I'll be careful then" he grabbed my hands tying them behind my back as I got placed back onto the table. I watch him finally take off his skin tight-fitting shirt he grabbed my chin and roughly kissed me  I kissed back but I wish I wasn't tied up. I could feel his body against my long lasting cool skin.

After Six seconds of kissing me he stepped back I looked at him glancing behind my hair that was in my face. His eyes ate me up . I watched him as he quickly lost his belt and unzipped his trousers . Painfully taking them off to tease me up a bit , I bite my lip softly watching once it was all the way down revealing himself to me. He was beautiful head to toe. A vision of perfection. Quickly, he was against me again , kissing me abrasively , before pulling me to stand and turn around to face the desk.

Kai pushed me to bend forward , his hand roamed my back until he knew I was ready. He held onto the rope that kept me in place, using his other hand to guide himself into me. I'd never knew anything could be so big, but I was so turned on that it felt more than good. I heard him take a deep in breath as he penetrated me. It seemed gentle , though fast , as I could have imagined the feeling his cool legs against my skin once more his legs leaning against mine knowing he was fully inside of me. I'd never known the feeling as he began to move in and out slowly methodically at first , a he found a rhythm. Any noise I wanted to make was muted by his next move. He started moving faster , and he knew exactly what he was doing as he reached around me , at first for my hand and using the other hand to grab my ass then grabbing back onto my waist. I squeezed his hand as he did to mine  his movements started to become jagged, almost uncoordinated. Minutes passed in a blissful sensation, until the pit of my stomach started to tense up more I felt my euphoria id never known before. My body convulsed in ecstasy spasming around him. I caused his breath to catch in his throat as I gave out my orgasm. He was still going holding it in throwing his head back and his lips carved into a "O" with his eyes darting at my face that was laying on the table. After a couple of minutes of him going he finally spasm into me taking my last thrust and untying my hands laying on my back with his arms around my waist.

Kai quickly stood straight turning me around and whispered against my ear "That was amazing [Y/n]... Would you like to go get some dinner with me?"  I laid my hands on his chest putting my head on his shoulder still tired "Of course" We quickly got dressed I fixed my hair and he wrote down his number licking his lips saying "I'll pick you up" winking.

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