Chapter 9 Attached to Sehun Daddy~

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Okay this is a short story about what happened with Kai and Me because Why not? Lmao ㅎㅎㅎㅎ So here we go then I also have announcement so read forward my young hunnies.

Alexa's POV :
Sehun kissed my lips looking at me smiling but that's when I remember why I came. Kai's ring that he wanted me to bring! I sat up "Shit I forgot about the ring for Kai!" Sehun looked at me "what are you talking about Hunny?" I got out of the bed grabbing my pants slipping it on. " Kai is going to propose to Nyah! He wanted me to bring the ring to the beach so he can propose by tonight!" I looked at the clock it was 6 she would be at the beach by 9. I groaned Sehun sat up "Oh my god okay I'll start the car hurry up!"

Sehun slipped on some black pants along with a button up shirt and put on some fancy shoes running downstairs to start the car. I fixed my makeup and hair following Sehun holding the Ring box in my hand making sure the ring was in the box. I got in the car quickly Sehun backed out of the drive way and drove off quickly.

**Skipping the car ride**
Kai's Pov :
I got to the beach it was 8:20 Nyah will be here any minute I made sure for 3 miles the beach was reserved for this special night and a beach house where me and Nyah first kissed was ready for tonight. No one knew about us dating expect for Alexa , Sehun , and the boys specially her brother Suho. Suho was very pleased with this idea expect for management but I didn't care Nyah was the only person I cared about. Chanyeol and Baekhyun was fixing the little candles that carved into a heart and Chen was dropping Rose and Lilly peddles on the floor. The sun was down and the sand was softer than a puppy's fur.

I saw Alexa and Sehun running towards me "Kai is Nyah here yet??" Sehun asked breathing heavily. "No she's not Alexa do you have the ring?" Alexa nodded handing over the ring "Now we are going to get the music ready" Alexa dragged Sehun to the small stage that was set up for the boys. Chanyeol had a guitar in his hands. My phone vibrated.

Kris- ' Tao and Luhan are keeping a eye out for Nyah right now I just passed by her walking to the beach '

Kai - ' okay thanks Kris make sure she doesn't go anywhere else'

Kris- ' sure thing but she's fairly close to the beach '

Kai- ' sigh okay hurry up and get here '

I was shaking I walked to the middle of the heart and Chanyeol was playing the guitar softly brushing his fingers against it into a small melody. I hear the sand crunching I turned around to see Nyah in her black flowing dress her brown hair curled with her tanned skin fairly evened out. She was holding a bunch of real roses and one fake rose. "Kai what's this" she walked towards me and smiled.

Nyah's Pov :
I was looking at Kai he was dressed in a nice black coat with a white shirt with black pants his hair messy but parted. His beautiful pink lips brighting up his eyes made me soften a bit i put the flowers on the small table and grabbed his hands "What's this Kai?" He looked at me putting his hands on my waits and kissed me "Nyah we been together for a long time , I was thinking about you 24/7 you're beautiful and I love you so much you're the person I want to be with my whole life you're the person I want to wake up next to in the mornings and feel your touch and gentleness-" Kai stopped and gave my lips a peck.

He got down on one knee pulling out a ring and smiled "Nyah you will do me the honor of becoming my one and only wife to have my kids and be the person who has my back as I guide you hand in hand?" He smiled my eyes started to water smiling nothing came out and I just nodded. He slipped the ring on my finger keeping his eyes connected to mine. Once he got up I heard singing "My lady" by all of EXO I smiled kissing Kai. I giggled as I rested my head on his chest and said "Why all the roses though?" I turned towards them and he looked at me "Well one roses are one of your favorites , two they'll die out sooner or later once they all die out that's when I want to leave you-" you cut him off "you don't want to be with me?" My eyes tearing up He laughed and walked over grabbing the fake rose "once ALL the roses die out you see this rose it won't die out because this love and rose will go on forever and ever" smiling I ran to him kissing him whispering "I love you" he looked at me resting his forehead on mine "I love you too"
KYAH ???

Also time for announcements!

1-  I see I got some young hunnies in here well my little bunnies you're physically pure but not mentally pure so we can relate lmaoㅎㅎㅎㅎ
2- I need more request so send in some please

QOTD !!!
Who should I do a imagine for next Also who's your favorite EXO member??

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