Chapter 6 : Xiumin

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You didn't honestly think you were going to get away, did you?"

Xiumin was now inches from your face, his normally childish smile now transformed into a devilish smirk. His hot breath tickled against your cheeks which were no doubt already turning a dark shade of pink.

Earlier, you had made the fatal mistake of trying to escape. Xiumin's band mates were coming to visit and man, was he excited to show off his girlfriend.

And you were, too... except not really. You weren't a particularly outgoing person, nor were you particularly good when it came to all eyes being on you. Now don't get the wrong impression, you wanted to make Xiumin happy, and you wanted to be introduced to the people he was so close to, you were just... scared.

So you acted irrationally and tried to run.

You tired to run and hide away just long enough, just until his band members were gone and you were spared of any embarrassing details about your relationship being leaked during dinner.

Ah, but Xiumin was too smart for you. He knew you too well to simply trust you would stay put and stay obedient like a good girl. No, he expected it. He expected it the whole time. He expected it as you cautiously tip toed down the back stairwell, waiting for you in the dining room, ready to intercept you in your escape attempt.

Within moments, seconds, he had you paralyzed, unable to move as soon as you had stepped into the dining room and laid eyes on him. You were done for. As soon as his big brown puppy dog eyes, ones now filled with a mix of desire and irritation too, met yours, you were done for.

"Ah, my sweet Y/N-ah, these games you play...truly are amusing." A small smile formed against his lips as he had one hand running his long fingers through your hair, the other gently brushing over your panty-covered core.

Of all days, why did you decide to wear a skirt today? Of all days, why did you have to get caught? Of all days, why did Xiumin have to know you so well?

Xiumin's small smile disintegrated, a lazy look appearing in his eyes due to his growing agitation as he harshly bit his bottom lip. Abruptly, he pushed you back against the dining room table. How foolish were you; you hadn't even come close to making it outside your home before he had you trapped.

Lifting your ass onto the table so you were now sitting, Xiumin bent down, placing his head in between your legs. He nipped hard on the insides of your thighs, causing you to screech out.

You could feel him smirking against you. Teasingly, he began to trail his tongue up and down your slit through your panties, your entrance still completely covered.

God, why did he have to make you feel this way? You couldn't help yourself any longer. Moving your arms from limply hanging at your side, you tangled your fingers between his brown locks. You groaned out even louder and began to pull at the tips of his hair as he delicately moved your underwear to the side with his tongue, now giving himself full access to you.

He lightly slipped between the folds of your entrance, tracing his tongue and his lips up and down your completely drenched slit. You could feel yourself clench even tighter against his mouth as he chuckled against your entrance.  You began to tug at the ends of his hair even harder as he stated to suck at your clit, the pleasurable strain being almost too much for your body to handle.

Xiumin delicately grabbed onto your wrist as he continued to suck your clit, while lightly mumbling dirty words against you. He removed your fingers from his hair before roughly thrusting them against the dinning room table, ensuring he had total control once more. You were getting close, even with your panties never being discarded and only being pushed to the side and both of you being almost entirely clothed.

Tilting your head back your cried out, knowing your release was a mere seconds away, only just as you were about to release Xiumin precipitously pulled away, his smirk reappearing. Your eyes narrowed and a frown appeared on your flushed face. He tilted his head to the side slightly.

"You didn't honestly think I would let you off that easy, did you?"

You let out a frustrated groan as the doorbell rung. Xiumin's boyish grin returned to his face, but this time with a devilish glint behind his eyes, knowing he had won, and you would be compliant tonight, if you wanted release.

A/C Tum

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