Chapter 18 || Jongin

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Okay instead of this being smut I wrote a Sad imagine.
(Y/S/N) Your Sons Name
(y/d/n) Your Daughters Name
(S/D/n) Sons Daughter name
(S/w/n) Sons Wife Name.
(Y/n) Your Name

Word Count : 1.9k

Sad Imagine.
Two Worlds-

Everything was in place, I ended up paying rent late and ended up losing it. There was a old house that was for sale but they denied me because of my late due but now I have a cute little apartment with a extra room. My husband Kai... well ex husband left me because we were always getting into small arguments. I wouldn't say I didn't love him nor did I love fighting with him. We were both stressed, both us on tour at different times , same company. If anyone thought me losing my Jongin that I loved dearly and still do it wasn't the worse even my own daughter wouldn't talk to me. They were angry with me thinking I didn't try my best to work with the relationship with their father. My son would visit me here and there when he wasn't away for business trips, my daughter on the other hand decided to keep her kids away from me, she decided to deny my calls and never gave me her address to visit nor wanted to come visit me. I always did my best to make and do the greatest things for my children and for Jongin. One day I hoped they would need a place to sleep at, that room was always empty and cold. Fresh clothes for any of theme, the curtains cleaned from the dust, the bed sheet straight and cold. The small old music box we use to have put on the best, the pictures of my children from their birth all the way to their first ballet classes to their graduation from High school all in frames and hung up. God must've thought of me to give me my children and Jongin but now they were gone. I felt so alone, living in my apartment but still had hope that they were come and visit me, return my calls, have that old family dinner together or at least send a picture of all of us together again . Now I'm here in my room, I know this is my last day, I know God was here to take me away. My hands wrinkly, my white hair straight, I slowly walked to my bed, this was my last day. I touched the gold button for my red and black coat. I smiled the good button was from my daughter she gave it to me when she won her Ballet contest. I wore it everyday on my coat. A tear slipped from my eye. I slowly and weakly got dress. I released my new but last album called "Color" all of my songs dedicated to them. I sang quietly while I watched myself in the mirror red was Jongin's favorite color on me. My son told me everyday that Jongin would ask and talk about me when he goes over. I never called Jongin after the divorce. I put on my black glasses, and my red heels. I smiled whispering "He loves me still." I walked out of my bedroom to my front door. Before I stepped out the door I froze looking back to the apartment that will now be empty after I leave. I looked at the frame picture of my kids when they were 5 and 7 years old. then looked at the huge frame picture above my fire place. The picture of me and Jongin when we were younger, when he took me to the beach and took a picture of us together when he held me behind while I had my face turned upwards at him and he was kissing me. Tears fogging up my glasses and it slipping down my cheek. I checked my coffee table to see the four letters for them. One for Jongin, another one for my son, and another one for my Daughter and a letter to my grand babies. My grip on my finger tightened I closed the door behind me leaving the door unlocked. I walked down the stairs to my black car. I turned on my car driving away, tears still trickling down. I drove to a peak mountain, mountains surrounded by grass. I stopped my car once I got to the peak. This was where I met Jongin, he was jogging and I was just going on a walk. He took me here for our dates as well,, God must've thought of me to give Jongin to little old me. I looked at my hand, on the steering wheel my rings. Promise ring, proposal ring, and my wedding ring. I fiddled with all of them breaking into a smile and tears of happiness all the happy memories I had and made. I got out of my car walking to the edge behind the pole. I pulled out my phone. Today I knew my daughter and Son were with their father, my husband, my lover, my best friend Jongin. I pressed Jongin's number, he never answered I knew he wouldn't answer. I waited and the third ring I heard the line pick up. I could hear talking and kids laughing and my son talking to his sister. I heard a scratchy but deep voice.
"Hello?" It was Jongin, tears trickled down my cheeks I smiled and coughed.
"Kai, it's me ... (Y/N)" My voice broke I could hear the worrying in his face.
"(y/n) how are you? Congrats on 4 million sales for your new album. It's been 7 years already, your voice sounds so beautiful as always. Are you okay?" My smiled bitting my lip.
"I'm fine, thank you. I really has been seven years Kai..I miss you and the kids." The line went quiet my Son and daughter's voice quiet. Kids still yelling and playing.
" I miss you too (y/n)... I really do.. Where are you?" I looked down at my ring as my grip on the pole tightened.
"Listen to me." I knew I was on Speaker because my son answered with "We're listening mom.."
I smiled and said.
"I hope you're all sleeping well and drinking lots of water I been following on what all of you been doing on the social media and in your lives... Jongin happy birthday I know we used to fight a lot in our relationship when we were married but I knew that I still loved you no matter what I'm so proud of you Jongin, my husband, my best friend, my soulmate Kim fucking Jongin. I love you so much." My voice broke the line was still quiet but I heard my voice echo on the phone kids quieting down.
"(y/s/n), my son, my first born. I'm so proud of you, becoming CEO of your architectures. The designs are beautiful, your daughter (S/D/N) and your wife (S/W/N) I'm happy you both met each other. I sent you something to your apartment for your daughters college fund, and for your wife some money for your new baby on the way. Please take care of yourself call your cousin Daniel and wish him luck for football games and visit him... and make sure you put new batteries inside the music box I'm giving you. Get some rest as well or your going to be wrinkly like me.. lord just take care of yourself and your family.."
I could hear sniffling and Jongins voice breaking
"(y/n) What is going on? Where are you? What are you doing?"
I looked at the view of the mountains smiling as the tears kept creeping down my cheeks.
"(y/d/n), My second born, my darling, my dear daughter (y/d/n) I know you won't answer but I call you twice everyday hoping to be prepared that I'll see your face. I miss you so very much, I know you said you never wanted to see me ever again because I was too over protective. My darling listen to me when I tell you I'm sorry, I also left all of your kids money for their colleges funds and money for yourself. I saw you won another competition for ballet,, you know I still have all of your photos from your ballet contest and when you used to practice.. I'm leaving that to you... some old family videos of you and your brother when you both had your first Christmas.. make sure you take care of yourself as well, Your children are beautiful. Your brother showed me pictures of them when they were born and their recent family picture. I'm so happy for you,, Tell them all that Grandma loves them and that Care and that I'm always around no matter what happens.I love you. I love all of you."
I heard crying it was (Y/D/N) crying the loudest.
"I love you too Mom!" I heard her finally say that. I clutched my chest.
Jongin was crying as well. He called me on FaceTime,, I wiped my tears quickly clearing my nose.
I accepted the call quickly after the second ring. The phone was facing Jongin's celling,, someone picked up the phone it was Kai. He smiled his tears slipping out of his eyes upon his cheeks.
"Aishh Jongin, clean your cheeks you shouldn't be crying on your birthday!" I nagged playful my heart feeling weak, my legs feeling like it was giving out.
"I love you too baby gosh you look so beautiful and you're wearing red.." He looked around on the screen and smiled "You're at the Big Bear Mountain Peak."
I smiled nodding a tear slipping out.
"Remember when you proposed to me here and you met here and when we went on our first date?"
He nodded quickly chuckling.
"mom!" (y/s/n) took the phone smiling and showing his wife and his daughter she was so tall and well defined heart face like him.
"This is my wife and (S/d/n)!" He said exciting and letting the tears fall.
"Hi Mother in law-" "Hi grandma You're so pretty!" I smiled waving my body shaking.
He handed the phone to my daughter. Gosh she looks like her father, her kids surrounding her holding her.
I smiled cracking with tears. I finally saw her she looks so beautiful she has my eyes and nose. Her children were beautiful as well.. gosh they look just like her.
"hi mom... I miss you so much.."she said crying out smiling.
"Hi grandma!! Don't cry be happy grandma, Where are you grandma?" They yelled so many questions I smiled and said "I love you my grandbabies, and I miss you as well (y/d/n) I miss you all so much.. I love you so much."
My heart pounded and she set the phone up facing all of them. I smiled as I got to see them all at one table I smiled shaking. I whispered "I love you so so so so so SO much." I took a screenshot and ended the call. I looked at the scenery. I looked at my photo gallery and looked at the picture I smiled shaking so much. "I love you all so much." My last words. I held my heart and everything went black. With a smile on my face and tears slipping down on my cheeks my last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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