Chapter 17

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We had steppped out onto Shanes porch and I closed the door behind me.

Me: Sawyer...

Sawyer: Please! Let me atleast explain!

I really didnt want to hear it, but I have to be fair.

Me: Alright.

Sawyer: I have a problem...

Me: Well that much is obvious.

Sawyer looked up at me, annoyed.

I sighed.

Me: Fine, go on.

Sawyers voice was shaking, he could barely speak.

Sawyer: I have a drug problem.

My eyes went wide. A drug problem?

Sawyer: Its pills. Oxy, vicodin, xanax, what ever I can get my hands on.

He paused, I was silent. What the fuck?

Sawyer: And when I cant get a hold if pills, I go to the other exteme and get wasted.

Me: Uh... Sawyer.

Sawyer: Sunni, I am so so sorry. Please... will you forgive me.

I leaned back against Shane's door and thought.

Me: Im sorry, I cant.

Sawyer: What? Why? I apologized!

Me: I can murder you, then apologize. That dosnt make you any less dead?

He opened and closed his mouth a few times.

Sawyer: I... I know.

Me: I cant be with a drug addict.

Sawyer: I'll get clean! I want that for you! For us!

He had stepped forward and grabbed one of my hands with both of his.

I pulled my hand away quickly.

Me: We'll see.

I turned and quickly reentered Shanes house. Leaving Sawyer on the porch with a pleading look.

Mile High // Sawyer HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now