Chapter 3

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Don't worry guys Sunni is meeting Sawyer in this chapter! Sorry for the wait!

After I arrived back at my hotel I calapsed on my bed and sighed, I was so happy I felt numb. I got the job on the spot and I start tonight! It pays 8 dollars an hour plus tips! That's a lot of money! I turned on the tv and started flipping through channels. I was very content

That afternoon I started to get ready for work.

I have had experience being a waitress back home, so I was only trained for about an hour, then sent to be on my own.

Everything went really well untill about 8 when 4 guys were lead to sit in my section. They didn't know me, but I knew them alright. Sawyer Hartman, Joey Graceffa, Tyler Oakley, and Connor Franta.

I thought I was going to pass out. I watched all if them on YouTube! I loved them all but I really cared about Sawyer. I have watched since the begining when he was dating Blair. I watch him every single night when I am sad, lonely, depressed or scared. He always makes me laugh and helps me through it. I can't fall asleep at night without a Sawyer Hartman video playing.

My manager- Sunni! Why don't spend less time staring at those guys and more time serving them !

Me- Oh! Of course sir.

I rushed over to greet them and take their drink orders. I was so scared to even speak to them, but I swallowed to Managed to say-

Sunni- Hi my name is Sunni and I am going to be your waitress this evening, may I take your drink orders?

Tyler- Uh hi yeah, I will take sweet tea.

Joey- Water with lemon for me.

Connor- Coke.

Sawyer- Uhh lemonade.

Sunni- Ok I will be right back with that.

As soon as I walked away I felt like I needed to sit down and have a moment to stop FANGIRLING but I have a job so, that can't happen.

Soon I had their drinks and came back to there table.

Sunni- Okay guys, are you ready to order?

Connor- Yup um, I will have the chicken Ceasars salad.

Sawyer- Ill take a burger, and your phone number please...

My heart stopped.. Sawyer Hartman just asked for my number! Oh. My. God. I had to play it cool.

Sunni- Okay, well it's 1-2-3-4 not gonna happen....

Tyler, joey, Connor- Ohhhhhhh

Sawyer- We'll see about that.

Sawyer stared at my with peircing blue eyes. As I walked away I was sure my legs were shaking from all the Fangirling I was keeping inside.

Later that night after I left work I sat on a bench across the street to think.

As happy as am that Sawyer Hartman asked for my number, there is no way I can get involved with him. I know he's a player, and I don't want to get my heart broken. As I was lost in thought, some guy waked up to me.

Guy- Hey sweet thing.

Me- *Silently glares at him, then looks away*.

Guy- Ohhhh better sweeten up that attitude.

I started to feel uneasy, and decided to end this conversation, I stood up and started to walk way, I hear footsteps behind me

Guy- Where do you think your going?

He ran up behind me and grabbed my wrist. I pulled out of his grip and started running. He caught up to me and this time grabbed both my arms and starting pulling me in to the alley next to us.

I was thrashing around, kicking, and screaming. But it was no use he was over powering me and shoved up against a wall. I was screaming and screaming as he was holding me there. He started to feel around my body and put his hands under my shirt. I was screaming and screaming, but I never cried. Suddenly I heard running footsteps.

Sawyer- You get the hell off her!

Sawyer tackled the guy to the ground, pinned him and stared punching. I calapsed on the ground right there, hid my face and started to shake. Sawyer came over to me.

Sawyer- Are you all right? Hey, your Sunni from Cheese Cake Factory...

I nodded yes to both questions.

Sawyer- He didn't do anything to you did he?

Sunni- No.

My voice quivered. Sawyer crouched down to look me in the eyes. I knew he could see the terror in my face.

Sawyer - Oh Sunni why don't you come back to my place tonight?

Sunni- I don't know....

Sawyer- It's okay, you will be safe there.

Sunni- Okay. Just for the night.

Sawyer picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car around the block.

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