Chapter 14

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Uh. Something hit me in the stomach, hard. It knocked the wind out of me and I just layed there gasping for air.

I finally opened my eyes and was surprised to find myself laying on the ground. My head hurt so bad it felt like It was going to split open. Then I realized what had hit me, or kicked me rather. Joey.

Sawyer- What the hell man! Where am I? Why am on the floor?

Joey- Oh, you don't remember?

He snarled at me. He has never spoken to me with hate. What did I do last night?

I staggered to my feet, I had to clutch the wall to balance. I stumbled my way down the stairs to get some pills and water. I suddenly remembered.

Me- Where's Sunni?

Joey- Oh, finally caught on did you?

Me- What the fuck is wrong with you?! And where is Sunni!

Joey- She is sleeping, keep your voice down.


Joey- In my bed.

Me- Why? What happened?

Joey- Oh she was just screaming for me to help her last night because YOU were about to rape her!

Me- What?...... No, I.... I... didn't. I wouldn't.

Joey- Oh but you did! And she was terrified and shaking and sobbing. Your a monster!

Me- No. I, Sunni!

And I bolted up the stairs to see my girlfriend.

She was asleep in Joeys bed. She honestly looked an angel. I crossed the room to the bed an knelt down. I looked over and Joey was standing in the doorway, and looked ready to attack me.

Me- Joey lay off. It's fine. In fine.

But I'm not so sure about that. My head is pounding worse then ever and I feel like throwing up.

I nudged Sunni an she murmured something.

Me- Sunni? Sunni are you okay?

The sound of my voice startled her. She jerked awake and saw me.

Sunni- Ahhhhhhh! S-S-Sawyer! What are you doing?

Sunni tried to jump out of Joeys bed. She ran over to him.

Me- Sunni! Its okay, don't scared!

Sunni- How can I not scared?

Me- I am so so so sorry! It will never happen again I swear!

Sunni- Yeah, whatever Sawyer. come on Joey, let's get out of here.

Joey nodded and they walked away from me, still knealing next to the bed. I got up and ran after them.

Me- Sunni, wait! Please don't leave me!

Sunni- Goodbye Sawyer, I am just another one of your girls!

I have no idea what she's talking about, but I do know that I madly in love with her. I also know that she's holding Joeys arm and pulling him away.

I don't know what to do.

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