Chapter 11

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I don't think Sawyer could speak. He was just standing there gazing at me with a mix of love, passion, lust and joy. I snapped my fingers to get his attention.

Me- Umm hello? Earth to Sawyer!

Sawyer- Hm? Oh yeah! Hey, you look amazing!

I blushed, he was good at making me do that.

Me- Thanks Sawyer. You look pretty sexy yourself.

I smirked. Sawyer was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, white v Neck tshirt, red shoes, a silver chain, and a black leather jacket. Together, we looked like the ultimate power couple.

Sawyer wrapped an arm around my waist an pulled me close, we embraced and started kissing. He put both hands on my waist. I put one arm around his neck and I rested the other hand on his chest. This was so nice, I wanted to savor this moment forever.

But just then Lisa came in.

Lisa- Get a room you two!

We just broke apart and laughed.

Wow, Lisa looks even more like a prostitute in those massive heels! I think she's just trying to show off for Shane.

I walked out front with Sawyer and Lisa, and saw that we are taking Sawyers bright yellow sports car. Lisa, Joey, and Tyler climed in the back while Shane drove and I sat on sawyers lap in the front. I have never had such a fun ride. I leaned back against Sawyers rock hard abs and he wrapped his arms around me.

In about 10 minuets we pulled up to an awesome looking night club. It was around 11pm so the line was long. We parked and walked straight to the front of the line. Sawyer approached a bouncer.

Bouncer- Why hello Mr. Hartman.

Sawyer- Hey what's up Jett? Uh, these guys are with me.

Bouncer- Alright then, right this way...

And he led us under the rope gate, past the big line, and into the club without even carding me, and it was free. Wow, sawyer can work some magic.

When we got inside I looked around incredulously. This place is... wow. There is crazy loud music, flashing lights everywhere, the whole place smelled of alcohol, and crazy dancing was everywhere. I could tell I was going to have time of my life.

Soon we made our way over to the bar, and Tyler got us all shots of Vodka to kick off the night. This is the first time I have ever drank, Im a little nervous, but I downed my shot like everyone else. It burned, alot! but In a good way. Everyone had one but Shane, he dosnt drink, and he's our designated driver tonight.

I stopped drinking after 3 shots, I could already fee a buzz. Joey stopes after 4, then Lisa, Sawyer, and Tyler downed 5 shots, then ordered a mixed drink.

I told Sawyer I had to use the restroom, then wandered away from the group, this was all a bit shocking to me. Maybe I wasn't ready for the club life.....?

I was wondering through the crowd of drunk,crazy people until I felt a hand grab my arm. I jerked it away and turned around to smack somebody, but it was just Shane.

Me- Shane! Sorry.

Shane- No, It's okay.

Me- Why are following me?

Shane- Huh?

Me- Why are you following me??????

I had to shout for Shane to hear me because it was so loud.

Shane- I want to keep an eye on you.

I couldn't believe this! Shane wanted to babysit me like a child!

Me- Shane! I can take care of myself.

Shane- I know, but this is LA, not Indiana, and some guy could rufee you in 1/2 a second. It just makes me feel better to be with you. I care about you Sunni and I don't want anything to happen to you.

That made me feel good, so I let him come with me. I pulled on his hand and he smiled at me. I can't believe that Shane Dawson cared about me enough to follow me around a club. I cared about him to. He was the first Youtuber I ever watched. He saved me.

Me- Okay, I am peeing by myself.

Shane- Well.. I was going to come with you... but I guess you can handle it yourself.

He smiled at me and I smiled right back.

When we found are way back to the group they were still at the bar, Sawyer had finished his drink and was starting on another...

Me- Isn't he drinking a bit much to start out with?

I whispered to Shane.

Shane- Who?

Me- Sawyer!

Shane- Oh no, he's fine. I've seen him down a 1/2 bottle of rum, then walk into a business meeting. Don't worry.

Me- Okay....

Shane- Ask him to dance if you want to distract him.

So I did, and I led Sawyer to the dance floor. I could tell he was tipsy, he laughed super loud, and wrapped his arm around me for support a lot. But it's fine, we are both having fun and I totally know how to take care drunks, thanks to my mom.

Sawyer and I danced and grinded forever, until Tyler pulled me to him and we got a little freaky. Then I politely danced with Joey and Shane, they were the only ones who didn't want to rapidly grind. Even Lisa and I danced alittle dirty. I was having a blast.

It was still really fun, but I noticed everyone but me and Shane, get drunker and drunker. Till about 3 when Shane suggested we get going. By that time my buzz had warn off, Joey was tipsy, Tyler and Lisa were hammered, and Sawyer was blackout drunk.

Mile High // Sawyer HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now