Chapter 16

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I felt so guilty. As soon as Sunni had stormed out with Joey I had stood there just staring at the door for a few minutes. Then walked upstairs, collapsed on my bed and started crying.

After a few hours of just laying there I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I grabbed at the sink and just stared into the mirror.

Im a mess. My hair is fluffy and sticking up everywhere. My eyes are extremely blood shot.

I opened up the medicine cabinet and took out an orange prescription bottle and popped 2 pills into my mouth.

I got in the shower and let the water run over me. I was so... ashamed. Sunni completely trusted me and I let one drunk night ruin it all. I got out of the shower and did my hair. I dried off and it dressed in black skinny jeans, a grey tshirt and my silver shoes. I patted Hitch and left the house to go find Sunni.

My first stop was Tyler's, him and Sunni had gotten pretty close. But Tyler said she hadn't stopped and he had no idea where she is. My next guess is Shane's.

I pulled up to Shane's house and saw Joeys blue SUV. Thank god.

I ran up to the door and knocked. There was a long pause and I heard lots of whispering inside the house. So they know it's me. Atlast the door opened, on the otherside was joey.

Me- Um, hi Joey.

Joey- Sawyer, what are you doing here?

Me- I came to talk to Sunni.

Joey- Look, she dosnt want to see you. And neither do I.

Joey had started to close the door but I stuck my arm out.

Me- Please! I just need to talk to her! I am so sorry, I don't even remember, but that was the worst thing I have ever done and I will never forgive myself.

Sunni came to the door then. She looked me in the eyes and spoke with defiance.

Sunni- What do you want Sawyer?

Me- I, I want you Sunni. I am so so so sorry and I swear it will never happen again.

Sunni- I'm sorry sawyer. I have to go.

She to started to close the door and again I stuck my arm out.

Me- Please just let my talk to you.

She looked hesitant

Sunni- Okay, make it fast.

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