Chapter 15

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I don't know what to do.

I just stormed out of the apartment pulling Joey behind me.

Me- let's go Joey.

Joey pulled out is car keys and we climb in. As we pulled out of the apartment complex Joey turned and looked at me.

Joey- So, where are we going?

Oh, I hadn't really thought that far.

Me- I don't know.

Joey- let's go to Shane's.

Me- Alright.

While we were driving I looked at my self in the car mirror. Im a mess! I thought. My makeup was smudged and smeared. Partly from sleeping and partly from crying. I was still wearing my club dress and I had no shoes. Shane's was probably the only place to go.


We pulled up to Shane's and climbed out if joeys blue SUV. I walked up and rang the door bell. A tired looking Shane came to the door a minute later. As soon as he saw me his vision cleared and he look startled.

Shane- Oh My God Sunni! what happened to you?

Shane let joey and I inside and I told him the whole story as he was making us all breakfast.

Shane- I don't know what to say. I can't believe Sawyer would do that.

Joey- I couldn't either, until I saw it with my own eyes.

Shane- Oh, I am not saying your lying at all! I'm just really surprised.

Me- He-he didn't mean it. He was really out of it!

Joey- Are you really defending him right now?

Me- Um, no.

Joey sighed and dropped the subject as we sat down to eat scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. It was really good.

The whole time we chatted about Vidcon and how excited we were! Vidcon is next week and I can hardly wait! It's my first time going and I am doing a meet and greet and participating in a panel. Yay!

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