Chapter 2

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My plane landed at around 10 am at LAX. All I had was my backpack and no place to go. I felt so lost wondering out of the airport and onto the busy streets of LA. I was suddenly scared and wanted to fly right back home. But I was here for a reason, to have a better life. And anyway I couldn't afforded the place ticket back even if I wanted to go.

Well, first things first, I have to find a job and a place to live. I walked around downtown all day and put In an application at every place available.

Every job, from waitress to sales women. I was willing to take anything. For the night I decided to stay at run down 1 star motel on the edge of town. There was no denying it, I was freaked out by this place, but it was here, or sleep in the park.

My sleep was fitful, I couldn't stop tossing and turning. It was always like this, I could never just fall asleep like a normal person.

In the morning I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up without looking at the caller id.

?- Hello, is this Sunni Blackmon?

Me- Yes, this is her.

?- Hi Sunni, I am calling to set up an interview with you for the new waitress position here at The Cheese Cake factory.

Me- Oh hi! Yes, yes that time works for me! Ok, see you there! Thank you so much!

I was so happy! I got an interview at 10:30 tomorrow morning! I spent the morning aimlessly roaming the streets and getting to know my way around.

I spent another night at the same rundown motel, atleast the rent is only $20.

The next morning I woke up around 8 and started getting ready. I took a shower then blow dryed my hair untill it fell in the usual waves with curls on the end. I applied a small amount makeup that I brought with me and started to dig through my clothes. I pulled out pair of dark skinny jeans and a flowy lepord print top. I admired my appearance in the mirror.

At almost 10 I decided to leave. Better to be early then late. I was so nervous! After I got there I sat on the side walk outside and tried to calm down. It helped alittle.

Mile High // Sawyer HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now