Chapter 12

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Joey and Shane each had an arm around Sawyer and were supporting him as we made our way to the car. Lisa had taken off her heels and were swinging them above her head giggling, well Tyler was clinging to me as he walked cracking the stupidest jokes and swearing loudly.

When we finally got back to the car Shane and Joey got in the front and the rest of us piled in the back. This time it wasn't so fun, Sawyer kept trying to drunkenly grab my chest and every time I would slap his hand he would giggle like a child.

I hate drunk people.

Shane dropped me, Sawyer, and Joey off at the apartment. (Sawyer would go get his car tomorrow).

Me- Thank you Shane.

I leaned down and kissed his cheek through the window. Joey didnt mind, Lisa scowled and glared at me.

Shane- No problem. You can come to me anytime.

After Shane drove off, Joey and I got Sawyer inside and up to his room.

Joey- Do you need any help with him?

Me- No that's okay, I have plenty of experience with drunk people.

Joey looked at me hesitantly, but then left. I turned to Sawyer, he was sitting on the bed grinning. I laughed.

Me- Why are you so happy?

He stood up and started walking towards me.

Sawyer- Because your so hot.

Sawyer had a look in his eyes I didn't like. I started to back away. He got closer. I backed away until I was almost against the wall.

Sawyer- So, what do you say, should we have some fun?

Me- Um, no.

Sawyer- Oh but why?

Me- Because your drunk and I'm not in the mood.

I was feeling a little nervous, we had never done anything past kissing, and Sawyer hadn't pushed.

Me- Sawyer... No.

Suddenly he dove at me and shoved me into the wall. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped to catch my breath. He started kissing me. I tried to push him off but he was much stronger and pinned me down. I was pushing against him and kicking. I tried to scream but as I opened my mouth he shoved his tongue in. This was repulsive, I could taste the alcohol on his lips.

I panicked as he threw me on the bed and pinned me down.

Me- Sawyer stop! Please sawyer! Stop! You're hurting me!

I struggled to breath as I began to panic. I started having flashbacks of this exact thing happening to me when I was 13. I began to sob as Sawyer tried to remove my dress.

Me- Joey! Joey!

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Me- Joey! Please!

Suddenly Joey burst in to the room.

Joey- Sawyer! Get the hell off her!

I have never seen Joey so angry. He ripped Sawyer off me and threw him to the ground.

I was still struggling to breath through the sobs.

Sawyer was getting back up and ran at Joey. But Joey slid out of the way and tripped Sawyer. He was sailing to the floor. Joey ran over and scooped me up off the bed. He ran out of the room with me in his arms and went straight to his own room. He deposited me on the bed them ran to close and lock his door. He turned around and looked at me, still crying.

Joey- Oh Sunni.

He came over and wrapped his arms around me. He rocked me back and forth until my sobs subsided.

Joey- What happened?

Me- I really don't want to talk about it.

Joey- Okay, that's fine.

He climbed into bed pulled me in with him. I got under the covers and laid beside him.

Suddenly there was a loud banging at the door.


I gasped and clung to Joey. Joey wrapped his arms around me and held me to him. Our bodies were pressed against each other.

There was banging at the door but it slowly got softer and eventually died.

I fell asleep to the sound of Joeys breathing, and the rhythm of the raising and falling of chest.

Mile High // Sawyer HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now