Chapter 9

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The next day Sawyer asked me...

Sawyer- Hey some friends of mine invited us to hang this afternoon, what do you think? Want to go?

Me- Yeah sure! Who?

Sawyer- Shane's house, but Joey, Tyler Shauna and Lisa will be there.

Me- Yeah! Sure. Hey, how are Shane and Lisa? I mean with shoey being real.

Sawyer- There okay. Lisa's still a little mad, but they hangout with the group.

Me- Well that's good.

Sawyer- Yeah, Joey and Shane are so much happier now.

Me- Thats good! I always saw some chemistry there.

I ran upstairs to get ready. I am so excited! I have already met Joey and Tyler, but today I am meeting the one and only..... Shane Dawson! I have watched Shane on YouTube since I was 11. He is truly one of my idols!

I pulled my hair up in a pony tail, and applied light makeup. Then I went to my suitcase and put on a pair of mid thigh shorts, and a lace floral v-neck. I admired myself in the mirror. Just then sawyer walked in, he wolf whistled. I blushed. He came and wrapped his arms around me.

Sawyer- You look amazing...

Me- I don't, this is so simple.

Sawyer- Well then I can't wait to see what you look like when you try.

After sawyer got ready we left. I am absolutely in love with sawyers car. It's so badass.

We got to Shane's and knocked on the door. Tyler answered.

Tyler- Well hello there soy sauce.

I giggled.

Tyler- Hey sunni!

Me- Hey Tyler.

I was trying my best to stay calm but I could see that behind tyler was a room filled with my YouTube idols.

Tyler- Come on in!

We walked into Shane's house and were greeted by everyone

Sawyer- Uh, hey guys! This is my girlfriend Sunni!

I was astonished and overjoyed that he called me his girlfriend. Everyone was so nice! They were sitting in a circle on the floor so we joined them and they made the circle bigger.

Shane- So were playing truth or dare.

Sawyer- Ohh that game can get a little... risqué.

Shauna- Oh yes it can.

I knew she had a thing for sawyer but it didn't bother me. I knew like a million girls on YouTube also have a thing for Sawyer, but he chose me, for some weird reason. But I was so happy.

Shane- Uhh Sunni?

I quickly snapped out if thoughts.

Me- Oh, sorry! What?

Shane- Truth or dare?

Why did Shane have to pick me first????

Me- Truth! (I wanted to stay safe)

Shane- Okay... which guy other then Sawyer, do have a thing for?

Me- on youtube?

Shane- yup

Me- Well...

I smirked at Sawyer, he smirked back.

Me- Definitely JC Caylen, from O2L.

Group- Oooohhhhh...

Me and Sawyer laughed. He new I was playing.

Lisa- Okay Sunni, your turn.

I nodded and chose Sawyer.

Me- Sawyer, truth or dare?

He raised his eye brows.

Sawyer- Truth.

Me- Okay, which girl Youtuber do you have thing for?

Everyone laughed.

Sawyer- Okay, other then you my love, it would have to be... Overly Attached Girlfriend.

The whole room burst out laughing. I am so glad me and Sawyer have this kind of relationship, we don't get jealous.

We had a great time playing! Joey had to makeout with the moose head on the wall, Shauna and Lisa had to have a twerk off, I had to eat a spoonful if Tabasco sauce, and many more! I am so happy I have friends!

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