Chapter 2 - Getting to know you

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?: Where am I? Huh? What on earth is that?

RD: Well, you've FINALLY woken up. What are you.

?: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog.

RD: I see. Well hello, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic: What's your name?

RD: I'm Rainbow Dash; fastest flyer in all of Equestria!

Sonic: Really? Well its a coincendence that I'm the fastest thing ALIVE.

RD: Well we'll see about that, shall we?

Sonic: Sweet. Wanna race?

RD: Anytime.

Doorbell rings.

RD: I'll get that.

Sonic: She's awesome. RD's so cool. I can't wait to know her better.

RD: Well, Pinkie Pie! Its nice to see you and your... friend here.

PP: I know. I saw her just wandering around and we suddenly became the best of friends.

RD: I don't wanna hear it. Just come in.

Pinkie Pie and her friend come inside. As soon as they walk in, Sonic jumps.

?: Sonic? Why are you running away?

RD: Wait. You know him?

?: Yeah, he's my boyfriend. Why?

RD: I don't know. Anyway, what's your name?

?: Amy. Amy Rose. What about you?

RD: Rainbow Dash. I'm the - 

PP: Fastest flyer in all of Equestria.

Sonic: Heh, guess she knows too.

Pinkie Pie runs to Sonic.

PP: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Sonic! I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm the funniest pony EVER made!

Sonic: I can see that.

RD: So Sonic, where are we racing?

Sonic: Well I just remembered that I and Amy were supposed to go on our date today. Maybe tomorrow?

Amy: I know you're gonna win, Sonic.

PP: No. Dashie's gonna win.

RD: That's enough! We'll see who wins. If its me, I'm determined the fastest in the world. If its Sonic, same for him. No one needs to argue.

Sonic: And just for a minute, she was gonna start beefing.

Amy: Come on Pinkie Pie. We've got stuff to do!

PP: Hurray! Stuff!

Pinkie Pie and Amy Rose close the door.

RD: Phew. At least they didn't know I was dating Soarin.

Sonic: Excuse me?

RD: Nothing, heh heh.

Sonic: You can talk to me you know.

RD: And how would I trust you?

Sonic: You just can. 

RD: You're not convincing me.

Sonic: Well I told you I was dating Amy..

RD: Fine. I'm dating a Wonderbolt, Soarin.

Sonic: A Wonderbolt?

RD: Its a group of professional flyers, coming up to my speed.

Sonic: That's awesome.

RD: I guess so. You wanna tour around Ponyville?

Sonic: You bet.

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