Chapter 4 - An uninteresting home party

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RD: I beat you in 10 seconds flat.

Sonic: Hell no. I beat YOU in 10 seconds flat.

RD: No way!

Sonic: Yes way!

?: Sonic!

Sonic: God dammit. Quick get into the party.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash head into PInkie Pie's house party.

RD: What in the name of Equestria is this? This isn't a home party. And what is Soarin doing with that pony over there? That even looks like Twilie.

Sonic: If you're sure that's not Twilie.

RD: This isn't even 20% cool. I'm going to spy.

Sonic: Suit yourself. I'm going to visit Amy.

RD: You two make such a great couple.

Sonic: Shut up, Dashie.

Rainbow Dash glares at Sonic but continues spying.

Soarin: You know I love you Twilight.

Twilight: But you love Rainbow Dash. 

RD: How did she know I was dating Soarin??

Soarin: But she's not important.

Twilight: I guess so.

Soarin: Look into my eyes.

Twilight looks into Soarin's eyes. Just before they lean in to kiss, Rainbow Dash stops them.

RD: Oh that's just wrong.

Soarin: What are you doing here, Dash?

RD: I heard Pinkie was having a house party. But I guess I was wrong. And then I see you and Twilight?

Twilight: Look, Rainbow Dash this is not what it - 

RD: If you want happy lives together, you could have just said so. It's not really a big deal.

Soarin: Really?

RD: Yeah. 

Rainbow Dash was really lying, She was trying to fight back tears.

Twilight: So you're not offended if I date your boyfriend?

RD: Nope. And he's my ex now anyway.

Soarin: Thanks Dashie. 

Soarin reaches to hug RD but she backs away.

RD: Don't touch me. I'm going home.

Rainbow Dash flies home. Meanwhile, Sonic is dealing with Amy.

Amy: Why do you keep hanging out with Rainbow Smash or whatever she's called.

Sonic: She was just giving me a tour.

Amy: Then why do you guys laugh?

Sonic: What kind of messed up question is that. Do you want to go home or not?

Amy: I do.

Sonic: Then she's our only hope. 

Amy: Why'd you count on her?

Sonic: Amy, you can be so annoying sometimes.

Amy: Shut up.

Sonic: You're just jealous. Just go and play with your pony friend.

Amy walks away. Sonic heads to RD's house.

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