Chapter 8 - AJ and Knuckles Romance

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RD: Here we are; at Applejacks - 

RD, Sonic and Tails spotted Applejack and Kncukles kissing.

Sonic: Ergh.

RD: You're telling me.

Tails: I think I'm about to be sick.

?: Oh blimey. Hope we didn't frighten y'all.

RD: No AJ, you didn't frighten us.

AJ: I see that. Who are your friends?

RD: This is Sonic and Tails.

AJ: Nice to meet y'all.

?: Hey Sonic. Hey Tails.

RD: I'm guessing that's Knuckles.

Knuckles: Yeah. Most strong and powerful.

RD: I can see that.

Sonic: Well hey Knuckles. What are you and Applejack doing kissing?

AJ: Its a long story.

RD: Well? Chop chop, haven't got all day.

While AJ was explaining, all Sonic was thinking about was Rainbow Dash.

Sonic: She's awesome. I can't deny; I actually really like her. So fun to be around with. I wish Amy was like this.

RD: That was a very interesting story. But seriously kissing at 6.30am?

AJ: We couldn't help it, could we Knux?

Knuckles: No hunny.

Sonic: Ugh, gag me to death.

?: SONIC!!

Sonic: Lord have Mercy on me.

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