Chapter 6 - Telling the truth (part 1)

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RD looks at Sonic.

RD: He's so cute when he's sleeping. I just wish Soarin wasn't such a player.

Sonic wakes up.

Sonic: Morning, Dashie.

RD: Morning, Sonikku.

Sonic blushed at the nickname.

Sonic: You realise that's what Amy calls me.

RD: You want me to change it?

Sonic: No. Keep it.

RD smiles.

RD: So how are things with Ames?

Sonic: She thinks I'm cheating on her with a pony.

RD: Aww. That's terrible.

Sonic: You wanna guess who it is?

RD: Well you don't like Pinkie Pie, Rarity squeezed you to death, Twilight's going out with Soarin - 

Sonic: Didn't you say Soarin was your boyfriend?

RD: Well yes.

Sonic: Was that why you were crying yesterday?

RD: I wasn't crying! Tears were just rolling down my cheeks.

Sonic: I'm sorry Dashie. 

RD: It's ok. Besides, I'm way over that. 

Sonic smiles.

Sonic: Anyway carry on.

RD: You just met Fluttershy yesterday, you haven't met AJ yet so that leaves..

Sonic: You?

RD: Yes me. Why does Amy think you're cheating on her with me? That's so not 20% awesome.

Sonic: Well we hang out all the time. And she normally sees us together.

RD: But I don't see what her business is. And she can't just accuse, she needs evidence.

Sonic: True. Maybe I should dump her?

RD: Well maybe you shouldn't.

Sonic: Why not?

RD: I don't want her to be stating threats OR say it was because of me you dumped her.

Sonic: But if she does, we always have back up.

RD: How?

Sonic: There's all of us and one more person that we haven't seen yet.

RD: Applejack?

Sonic laughs.

Sonic: Yes and no. I'm talking about my friend, Knuckles.

RD: He seems like one hell of a guy.

Sonic: Trust me, he HAS knuckles.

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