Chapter 16 - Departing

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Boys: We're going.

RD, AJ, Rarity, FS: WHAT!

Sonic: We're sorry. But we can't stay here forever.

Shadow: We'll always come and visit.

Knuckles: We promise.

Tails: And we'll never ever break that promise.

When Rarity, AJ and Fluttershy were heading to their lovers, Sonic realised RD was missing.

Sonic: Hey, where's Dashie?

Sonic goes upstairs into Dash's room. He hears some crying. Sonic opens the door.

Sonic: Why are you crying Dashie?

RD: You're going. How couldn't I be more upset?

Sonic: We'll always be together Dash, no matter what.

RD and Sonic kiss again but much longer than 45 seconds.

RD: Sonic?

Sonic: Yes Rainbow Dash?

RD: I love you.

Sonic: I love you, too.

Rainbow Dash hugged Sonic.


Tails: Bye everyone! See you all soon!

Meanwhile Amy was still hanging around Pinkie Pie and she didn't leave because they were best friends.

The End.


RD: And that's how we met each other, Chevrolet.

Chevrolet: That's awesome, Mom!

Sonic: Hey where's Eclair and Parfait.

Chevrolet: They're downstairs Dad.

Sonic: Cool.

RD: You know, I've always wondered what it was like to have a son.

Sonic: Are you saying...

RD: Yes. I am...


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