Chapter 9 - The Break Up

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Sonic: You guys better go. Especially you RD.

RD: I understand 20%.

Sonic worriedly smiles.

Amy: What are you doing with Crash?

Sonic: Its Dash.

Amy: Do you like her or something?

Sonic: To admit. I DO. I defintely like her more than YOU.

Amy: Sonic, I...

Sonic: Save it. She's ncier than you, cooler than you, quiter than you and less annoying. You can leave me alone for a full 48 hours.

Amy: But Sonic..

Sonic: No buts or ifs or hows. I don't care if she's a bloody pegasus. I liked her the first time I saw her.

Amy: Well if that's how you're gonna be, then - 


Amy: Fine. I never want to see you or talk to you again.

Sonic: Cool with me.

Amy and Sonic part from each other. Sonic doesn't notice Rainbow Dash spying on them.

RD: Did he really mean that or is he lying?

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