Chapter 15 - Choices

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A few weeks after RD and Sonic kissed, Sonic decided if he really wanted to go home or stay with Dash.

Sonic: Should I go or should I stay?

RD: Why do you wanna go?

Sonic: Well Silver and Blaze would be wondering where we are. And Eggman.

RD: I'm guessing these are people you know?

Sonic: Totally.

RD: So why do you wanna stay?

Sonic: Cause I met the sweetest pegasus in all of Ponyville.

RD blushed at this.

RD: Oh Sonikku.

Sonic: Dash...

Sonic and RD leaned in once more but realised they were having vistors.

RD: I'll get it.

?: DARLING! I gotta boyfriend!

RD: Really? Who?

??: What's shaking.

RD started gagging.

RD: Rarity you're going out with Shads?

Rarity: Yes! He's soo romantic and all.

Shadow: I see faker's gotta new love interest.

RD: Shut it, stripes.

Shadow glared at RD.

RD: Applejack! What are you doing here?

AJ: I came with Knux. He's such a darl.

Knuckles: Heey Dash. I see you and Sonic have a thing going.

RD wants to throw up.

RD: Just get inside.

Tails: Hey guys!

Fluttershy: Shush; we don't want them to find out we're dating!

RD: Fluttershy; you're dating TAILS?!

Tails: Yes.

RD goes upstairs and vomits.

Knuckles: Is she ok?

AJ: Pressizured, I guess.

RD comes down after 10 minutes.

Sonic: Geez Dashie, what was all that about?

RD: Pressizured, I guess.

Tails: OK. Guys should we go home or should we stay?

Sonic, Tails, Knux, Shad: STAY.

Tails: Why?

Shadow: This place is has more fashion.

Knuckles: Loads of apples grow here.

Tails: Friendly animals.

Sonic: I met a pegasus.

RD blushed.

Knuckles: But what about Cream and Tikal? They would be lonely.

Sonic: That's true. But if we stay, we can get away from Eggman.

Tails: Hate to bust your bubble Sonic but he's paralyzed. So he can't do anything.

Shadow: But Rouge...

Rarity: And who in Ponyville is Rouge?

Shadow: She's my distant... cousin.

Tails: So are we staying or going?

The boys took a few minutes to think.

Sonic: We've made our desision.

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