Chapter 12 - I don't wanna do this, stay with me

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Sonic: Dash wake up.

Sonic finds Rainbow Dash's head, bleeding.

Sonic: What have you BLOODY done to her!

Amy: I tried to warn you Sonic. She's a threat.

Sonic starts turning into Darkspine Sonic.

Sonic: I don't think she's the THREAT.

Sonic defeats Amy and turns her Piko Piko Hammer into dust.

Amy: What happened?

Sonic: I'll say jealousy got the best of you.

Amy: This is not OVER!!

Amy slams the door and Sonic takes Rainbow Dash to the hospital.

?: She's ok but she was hit pretty hard.

Sonic: But we she survive Doc?

Doc: I don't know. She'll be in a coma for sometime. But since you ask, you can stay here and keep an eye on her.

Sonic: Thanks Doc.

Doc: Anytime.

Doctor closes the door.

Sonic: Please stay with me. I don't know what I'll do if you weren't alive. You're so kind and caring and even more than 20% awesome. 

RD slowly opens her eyes to see Sonic holding her hoof.

RD: S-Sonic? W-What are you doing here?

Sonic: Hey Dashie. I'm sorry about that incident.

RD: Its ok Sonikku. People can overreact like that. But it's not entirely her fault.

Sonic: Whaddya mean?

RD: Remember when she said Soarin told her we were having it in bed?

Sonic: I see where this is heading.

RD: E-Exactly. Which is why - 

Dash slowly closes her eyes.

Sonic: Wait. Dash don't leave me!

RD: I-I'm n-not leaving y-you Sonic. I'll n-never leave you.

Sonic: Then why are you closing your eyes?

RD: I guess it's time for me to go.

Sonic: NO! NEVER!

RD: I wish I h-had some time to race.

Sonic: RD, I, I - 

RD: Bye Sonic.

Rainbow Dash closes her eyes.

Sonic: I love you!

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