Chapter 10 - Lies are told

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Soarin: So Twilie, we haven't seen Dash from quite a time now.

Twilight: Yeah, I guess. Maybe we should visit her after seeing Pinkie Pie.

Soarin: Cool with me.


Sonic: Amy is such a pisstake.

RD: No lies there, I guess.

Sonic: You sound down. Is everything okay?

RD: 20% positive.

Rainbow Dash could get what Sonic said out her mind. Sure she should tell him but what if he was lying? No. She had to keep this to herself.

Sonic: You sure Dashie? You're not as cocky as you usually are.

RD: I'm fine. I swear.

Sonic: Whatever you say.


Twilight: Hey Pinkie - 

Pinkie Pie burst into tears.


Soarin: Who's Amy?

Twilight: I don't even know.

PP: She my BPFF.

Soarin: Meaning?

PP: Best Pink Friend Forever.

Amy walks in.

Amy: Who are these?

PP: This is Twilight, a unicorn and Soarin, a Wonderbolt and Dashie's boyfriend.

Twilight: Well actually Soarin is my boyfriend now.

Amy and PP: WHAT!

Soarin: Yeah. RD... Kinda cheated on me with some blue thing.

Amy: SONIC??

Soarin: I guess. They even had a time in the bed.

PP and Twilight: WHAT!

Amy: I'm gonna kill that FRASH!

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