Chapter 11 - A death wish

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Someone knocks at RD's door.

RD: I'll get it.

Sonic: Wait. Lemme get it.

RD: Why?

Sonic: Cause I want to.

RD: Heh. Suit yourself.

Sonic opens the door and is surprised to see... AMY?!

Amy: Outta my way. I gotta find that Lash and kill her once and for all.

Sonic: Why do you wanna kill her?

RD: Umm... Hey Ames. What's up.

Amy: Don't what's up me! I know what you and Sonic are doing.

RD: Well I'm providing shelter for him, if that counts.

Amy: Shut your arse hole.

Sonic: Ames, what are you talking about.

Amy: Well Soarin or whatever he's called just said to me that YOU were having IT with Sonic.

Sonic and RD: WHAT!

Amy: So I came here to do what needs to be done.

RD: Amy don't listen to Soarin he's - 

Amy pulls out her Piko, Piko Hammer.

Sonic: Ames, what are you - 

Amy hits Dash with a heavy blow.

Sonic: DASH!

Amy: Now you're all mine. And you'll be mine FOREVER!

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