Chapter 3 - Tour around Ponyville

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RD: Well that's the end of the tour.

Sonic: This place is awesome. Wait, why are ponies looking at me?

RD: Duh. Cause they don't know you.

Sonic: Ah.

?: Rainbow Dash!

RD: Not again.

Sonic: What's wrong?

RD: Every week, my friend Twilight always asks me to do some sick moves for her.

Sonic: Then why go?

RD: Because I just love showing off.

Twilight: Are you coming or not?


Twilight: Stop there. I can see you.

RD: God dammit. 

Sonic: What should we do?

RD: You mean, what should I do?

Sonic: Whatever. Besides, we are both here.

RD: I know! Let's just pretend to have a race.

Sonic: Great! But where should we go?

RD: I hear Pinkie's throwing a party. Whaddya say?

Sonic: I'm on it. You ready?

RD: I was born ready.

Rainbow Dash and Sonic start their 'racing' towards Pinkie Pie's house party.

Twilight: They are so stupid. Looks like they are in for a big surprise.

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