Chapter 5 - More people to come

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RD: How could he do this to me?

There is a knock at the door.

Sonic: Hey - 

RD: ...

Sonic: What's wrong Dashie?

RD: Nothing. 

Sonic: You can tell me.

RD: Why do you even care? You're happy with your girlfriend. Just don't mind me.

Sonic: Sure, Dash? I'm sure the most coolest pegasus in the world doesn't just hide stuff from people.

Rainbow Dash blushed at this.

RD: Ok. I'll tell you.

Doorbell rings.

RD: Hold it.

?: Hey Rainbow Dash. Meet my friend, Tails.

RD: Hey Fluttershy. Hey Tails.

Sonic: TAILS??

Tails: SONIC??

RD: I guess you two know each other.

Sonic: Of course. He's my best friend.

RD: Aww.

Tails: Fluttershy found me in a tree and she decided to show me around.

Sonic: That's awesome.

Flutterhy: Oh. It was nothing, really.

Doorbell rings.

RD: How many people?

?: Ugh. More ponies.

RD: Well, EXCUSE you.

??: Darling. Is this a house party?

RD: No, Rarity.

??: This is my friend, Shadow.

Shadow: Do ponies just live here?

RD: Naaah. Clouds do.

Shadow glared at Rainbow Dash. RD smiled sarcastically.

Sonic: Hey faker.

Shadow: Get lost, faker faker.

Rarity: Boys let's not get into a fight. 

Rarity spots Sonic.

Rarity: Who is this handsome fella over here.

Sonic blushed.

RD: This is Sonic. We are planning on racing someday.

Rarity: I'm Rarity. You are some handsome guy.

Sonic: Why thank you, Rarity.

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes.

RD: He's not breathing.

Sonic drops to the floor.

Rarity: Heh heh. Alright who's sleeping with you?

RD: Well, Tails sleep with Fluttershy, Shadow sleeps with Rarity and I'll sleep with Sonic. Once he wakes up though.

Tails: Agreed.

Fluttershy: Let's go. We don't wanna waste more time.

Everyone leaves RD's house.

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