I can! I will! I must!

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I can! I will! I must!

Is there any struggle or stumbling block in your life that prevents you from succeeding or being successful? If there is you should remember the text in Philippians that says ''I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.'' That answers it! Now there is no doubt that you can overcome this obstacle you are facing. The text said ALL, not some things, but all of them.

 Not alone, of course not, only with Christ you can accomplish and overcome. Therefore, no matter what hardship and circumstances you are facing in your life. You are not alone and God is willing to help you if you'll just ask him. Never forget that in spite of what you see, God's greatest desire for you is to succeed and beyond that, to prosper and flourish in all that you do.

The word of God says "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." This is taken from Psalms 1 verse 3. So, there you have it. Once we surrender all to him and step forward in faith to live boldly according to his will; all that we do will be blessed by Him immeasurably. God never makes empty promises and He never lies.

Once you have come to the realization that you CAN overcome it, you must tell yourself that you will do it no matter what lies ahead of you. Trust that God will take you through. Some may ask, why tell yourself you will do it when you don't know what the future holds? This fear of the unknown will cripple you and tear you down so instead simply decide to face it and give it your all despite the uncertainty of the future. The future is not important the present is. So it is up to you, but you must trust God and remain obedient to him in order to obtain the divine power needed to overcome it.

It is indeed true you don't know the future, but you do know two things: 1. you can do it for heavenly strength lies within you. 2. You want to do it. So why don't you, the only thing in your way is you!
Are you the problem why you are not overcoming? Are you giving it to God totally? You are your only limit. I am not saying that it is easy but it takes courage and if you want it you should fight for it. Nothing worth having comes easy. No one can force you to follow your dreams! You have to choose to do it for yourself! You must be willing to sacrifice and trust God wholeheartedly regardless of what you see.

Don't forget prayer. That is our greatest weapon and it is too often neglected or worse, replaced. It is important to bring our goals, plans, and desires to God and ensure that our plans are in alignment with his will. His ultimate plan for our life is supreme. one could carry the entire world against Him they will still fail. Remember that God created the world and He created you so there's nothing anything can do that will change God's will or interfere with God's plan for your life and the success he has destined you to have.

 God gives us all a choice, he will never hold us down with a pitchfork and force us to do his will instead he gave us free will. However, there are consequences and or rewards that come with each action and choice we make. Just remember that you are not more powerful than God and neither are you superior. We make teddy bears and Barbie dolls; so does that mean that these toys are superior to us? No. It is through Christ that you can accomplish anything. Hold his hand, stick by his side and share him with everyone! With his power, he will protect you and give you the strength you need to accomplish your goals.

Tell yourself that you can, you will and you must. With God by your side, you will not be shaken!

Psalm 16:8-10 "I keep my eyes always on the lord with him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay."

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