Set your standards
Psalm 105:19 ''until the time that his word came the word of the lord tried him.''
Your standards determine how people treat you, and regard you. If you treat yourself with respect, others will treat you with respect also. The way you treat others determines how they will treat you. If you treat yourself like worthless trash then others will treat you like waste of space, but if you regard yourself and others as royalty, a holy nation a peculiar people, they will regard you as royalty. Granted even when we have confidence and we treat ourselves with care there will be others who will still treat us like waste of space. As a matter of fact, no matter what you do or say people will still judge you, which is why you set standards for yourself rather than for people, because you simply cannot please people.
Set your standards from the one and only perfect role model, Jesus Christ.
It is important to set your standards because it determines who you are as an individual and it determines how others view you and regard you which is extremely critical in society and in the working world. Not to mention if you don't set your own standards then others will set it for you and you may find yourself just swaying wherever the wind blows because devoid of any footing.
The devil is a destroyer and a liar. He seeks to rip away the hope and joy you possess as a gift from Christ. He will break you down until all you do is doubt and fear. However, it is not the end of the road if you remember that your strength comes from God and you hold steadfast to your faith in God and abide by the standards (God's word) you have firmly set no matter what then you will overcome the enemy and his devices. After all, the word of God says that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
It is simple, set your standards before the devil sets them for you! When your standards have been set, you then need to train yourself to maintain those standards in time of distress and difficulty. So that when the devil comes to test your faith with temptations you are able to hold to Jesus and stand in the power of his might. God did take his stand for you and sacrificed his life for you. Therefore if you are taking a stand for God you must be willing to sacrifice not just your time and being, but also your life.
Set your standards and surrender yourself to Jesus Christ so you may be redeemed! Salvation is free and it is more than available to all. Give God your life today! He loves you more than you could ever know. Let's turn to him and hold fast to him before it is eternally too late.
Dear Jesus, help us to hold on to you through thick and thin. Give us grace and strength to dedicate our time and ourselves to you. Grant protection and favor to us Lord wherever each reader may be. Change our hearts Lord and help us to set firm standards using you as our ultimate example. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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