''Trust in the lord with all of thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding, but in all of thine ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path''
The scripture text speaks for itself. Have you found yourself in a situation where you have to trust someone or something, or you have to depend on something or someone?
Let us look at Daniel he was in a den with hungry lions, those lions were never fed so that when they threw a man in the den the lions would be so ravenous they wouldn't waste any time to rip him to shreds. Was Daniel scared? I don't know, but I would assume he was terrified, but whether he was scared or not he prayed to God that he won't let the lions eat him. Here Daniel knew that there was no way he had the power to save himself so he turned to the one who could, God. God answered Daniel's prayers immediately and shut the lions' mouths. How did God do that? God created those lions he gave them the ability to open there mouth don't you think He could take that ability away.
If God could do that then don't you think He could do it now? The God we serve today is the same God Daniel served then. God has not changed and he never will God is from age to age the same. Trust him there is no reason to fear what flesh can do unto you, but fear God and fear what God can do unto flesh. Trust God and put your life in His hands, He won't let you go. When you feel far away from God, guess who moved? You did. Just remember you're never too far away from Him that He cannot reach you and bring you back to his side. He loves you!!!!
Psalm 16:1
"Keep me safe, my God for in you I take refuge I say to the Lord, "you are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing."
SpiritualHighest ranking ~ #200 in spiritual "I keep my eyes always on the lord with him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." psalm 16 :8 This book is a realistic guide to encourage you and help navigate your walk with God and teach you how to balance y...