Moving In

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"Hello?" The other side of the phone asked. My mother answered.

M/ Mom K/ Karla
K/ Hey mom..
M/ what's wrong? You sound upset, Karla.
K/ well, to start, my apartment burned down because some idiot decided to leave the oven on by a napkin. And well, um I don't know where to stay..
M/ Well, we could pick you up, but we won't be staying her in L.A., honey.
K/ shoot.. Well, a friend offered me to stay at his place.
M/ that's oka- He?!
K/ mom it's okay, he's taken.
M/ I'd like to meet this so called Taken guy.
K/ not not his name- never mind. Okay thanks mom. Oh, by the way can you tell the moving truck to go to the address I'll send you when I get there please?
M/ sure thing, dear. Bye!

I hung up and sighed. Great... Out of all the things she could've said yes to this is the one?

I started walking back to Mo and Glitch. "So, what did she say?" They both asked at the same time. I sighed. "She said yeah." I looked at my feet. I felt arms around me. "C'mon, let's go." Glitch's voice said.


When we arrived to their humongous house, I texted my mother the address. She sent me little thumbs up emojis, meaning she understood. I shut my phone off as I was welcomed into a big, beautiful room.

I stood there starring in awe. I was flabbergasted. "This is your room." Glitch said smiling. I dropped my panda and ran to the bed jumping on it. So comfortable.... It was queen size so that made things better. Everything was already decorated and organized.

"Hey! You don't just drop a panda!" Glitch yelled pointing at it with both hands. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Seriously?" I asked annoyed. He nodded, picked it up and threw it at me. It hit my face.

I gave him a dirty look for the second time. He smirked, closed the door and walked towards me. "Are you free tonight?" He asked sitting on the bed. "Well, obviously. I just went to a carnival, what do you think?" I asked him as if he was dumb. He stood up and walked to the door.

"Follow me, I want to take you somewhere." He said smirking.

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