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I looked at Glitch confused. Emilia and Bodie were off dancing to OMG by Usher. They were really good, I've never seen Bodie dance and he was really good at busting moves. Glitch grabbed my hand and dragged me towards them.

"You know how to dance?" He asked. I looked at him as if he was dumb. "Yeah." He nodded. "Good. Then let's go." He said. Once we got there the song ended. Emilia and Bodie gave each other a hug and high fives.

"You think you're so good huh.?" An Asian woman asked them. Glitch jumped into the conversation. "No, we know we're good." He said getting all up in her face. Another Asian, a guy, jumped in and pushed Glitch away. "What's your problem man?" As they were arguing I looked at Emilia, who was distracted by their argument.

"Fine then. Let's go." Glitch said holding my wrist. "Uh what are we doing?" I asked with some what of attitude in there. "All you need to do is know how to dance. Just follow my lead baby girl." He said. "Excuse me?" I said with a lot of attitude. Glitch just rolled his eyes. The song Boyfriend by Justin Bieber came on. The slow version, I. Hate. Slow. Versions.

A/N- Well sorry to interrupt but here's their dance.

(Sorry there's many people dancing but I'm pretty sure it's the same choreography.) Read on fellas.

At first I didn't even know what to do, but then I got it following Glitch's every move.

While we battled the woman kind of tripped on her own feet and fell, ruining the whole thing.

"Sandra! What the hell girl!" The guy said yelling at her. Me and Glitch looked at each other and back at them as they were fighting.

"You tripped me Connor! Stop yelling at me you dumb head!" She yelled back at him. As they continued their 'little' argument there the crowd booed. The guy rolled his eyes and started dancing out of the rhythm though.


By the end on the dance fight, it was obvious who had won. Glitch gave Emilia and Bodie a high five and Emilia gave him a hug as well. I smiled really big in excitement. Glitch turned to look at me and motioned me in for a hug.

I smiled and started walking towards him and was pulled into his warm embrace. "Wow you really do know how to follow leads, shawty." He smirked. I giggled and hugged him again. Soon Emilia and Bodie going and we all had a great group hug.

"Let's go gang. Let's see if Mo and Taye have been kicked off the Ferris wheel yet." Emilia said walking towards the exit. We L followed and got out of that hot tent. The cold air hit me even though I was in Glitch's baggy sweater.

"Wait. I haven't even given you your sweater back." I told him starting to take it off, even though I knew I would get even colder if I did.

"Are you crazy? It's like -200 degrees!" Glitch said sarcastically. "Hold on to it." He finally said. I shrugged and continued walking.

And Emilia was right, Taye and Mo were off the Ferris wheel. They both rolled their eyes at the worker guy and left.

"Hey guys! We're over here!" Emilia yelled jumping up and down waving her hands everywhere. They saw and started walking towards us.

"Hey, we were just lookin' for ya'" Taye said smiling. Emilia nodded. "We noticed." She smiled.

"Let's go home guys." Bodie said smiling and looking at Mo.

We all nodded and walked to the parking lot.

One Dance [COMPLETED] (CURRENTLY BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now